This is Our Homeschool Page

I hope you will enjoy reading about our experiences with homeschool!

We are also know as the Pioneer Christian Academy*

*Dad chose the name with much debate and campagining on all of our parts. It was so much fun!(we got into some great debates and I was impressed with how much the children were able to back up their ideas and thoughts!) Anyway, we voted and his original idea won.

He said he chose it because we are currently learning about the pioneer life and because we are pioneers in this whole homeschooling idea. I told him that after speaking to so many moms who have homeschooled for 10 or 15 years, we are no where near being pioneers and that they are the ones who would know what pioneering is!

We are curently using a little of everything...but mostly many "living books".

We are all learning so much! We have enjoyed making homemade butter, and tin punching to make lanters. We really are having a whole lot of fun!

Math U See has also been great. It is easy for the children to learn when they see, say and do each math process, but next year we will be returning to "textbook math"...I have already purchased Rod and Staff for my daughter and will be hunting down Saxon 1st grade for my son. Math is a tough subject to recomend because it, just like everything else, depends totally on the learning styles!

We have also been using many library books and videos to fill in some areas. The children learned about Louis Pasture, and immunizations, we've all learned about the habits of a bear. One of the biggest hits of the fall was the video "Bethoven Lives Upstairs"! My children have also been enjoying Earnest Hemmingway's writings on audio tapes. My 6 year old has even taken to narating the whole tape back to me the morning after listening!

This is our second year of homeschooling. One of the newest and most natural areas has been our Nature Notebooks. My son has been dying to bring home all types of creepy crawlies and my daughter loves to investigate once we have them safe from getting away. My daughter loves the whole "drawing and taking notes" on the items. My son on the other hand begins to draw and show what we saw and somewhere in the "real" information his imagination kicks in and he is off with bears and hippos and sharks all in our backyard! I guess we'll have to really work on that one!

Next year we will be using The Old Testament Guide to History which you can find out more about at Greenleaf Press. We will also be using the book list for reading from Sonlight. Plus other miscellaneous guides, workbooks, and extras!

Follow the Footprints to Our Favortie Homeschooling Sites!

Little Lambs School At Home
The Prairie Primer
Charlotte Mason
HSLDA - learn the homeschooling requirements for your state
KONOS - this is a great unit study!
A Charlotte Mason link

More Coming Soon!!!

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