

A baby is cuddles and tickles on toes,

the sweet scent of powder,

a kiss on the nose.



A child is someone who passes through your life...

the disappears into an adult.


                                                            (Caroline Maria de Jesus)


A child's mind is a lot like gelatin,

it's better to fill it up with lots of good stuff

before it sets.


A hundred years from now 

it will not matter 

what my bank account was,

the sort of house I lived in, 

or the kind of car I drove...

but the world may be different 

because I was important in the life of a child.


A lock of hair from a child so fair,

A miracle from above placed gently in my care.

This child is growing up so fast.

Tomorrow is the future, today is the past,

walking...talking...fading riddles and rhymes,

This lock of hair remains a keepsake of past times.



Big bear, small bear,

me in the middle.

Even though there's three of us,

together we're still little.   

(a visitor to my site sent this cute saying and noted that it came from a photograph of a baby 

with a big bear on one side and a small bear on the other side)



Catch them doing something "good"..!!

(we always catch our children doing something bad...so here's a switch !)


Childhood is that wonderful time 

when all you have to do to lose weight

is to take a bath..!!






Children are natural mimics who act like their parents 

despite every effort to teach them good manners.




Children brought up in Sunday School are 

seldom brought up in court.


Children do not ask to be born

but they do ask to be taken care of

and in so many ways.

                            (Rene' Taylor)





Children have never been very good at listening to their elders.

But they have never failed to imitate them.


Children in the dark cause accidents.  

Accidents in the dark cause children.



Children may close their ears to advice,

but open their eyes to example.



Children seldom misquote you. 

In fact, they usually repeat 

word for word 

what you shouldn't have said.



Cleaning your house while your children are growing

is like shoveling snow while it's still snowing.


Discover Wildlife...!!

Have Twins !!

(this was sent to me by a mother of twins !!)


(you can also substitute...wife, husband,  mother-in-law...etc.)


Give a boy enough rope 

and he'll bring home 

a stray dog on the end of it.


I cherish all these quiet nights,

as you lay your head upon my chest,

trying not to think about,

the lonely nights ahead.


I hope that my child 

looking back on today

remembers a mother who had time to play.

Children grow up while you are not looking.

There'll be years ahead for cleaning and cooking.

So quiet now cobwebs.

Dust go to sleep.

I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.


I love to give homemade gifts.

Which one of the kids would you like?



If children are the ones who take the baths, 

why are moms the ones who get soaking wet?


If we are to reach real peace in this world 

we shall have to begin with the children.



If you think it is impossible to love someone

more than yourself,

have a child.


If you want children to excel

let them hear all the nice things you say

about them to others.


If you want your child's attention........

just sit down , relax and look comfortable.


If you want friends,

don't ever tell them 

what is wrong with their children.


I'm not rich...

but my children are jewels !



In the eyes of a child,

love is spelled T-I-M-E




It is said that every child is a little flower.

What if he is a little cactus?



It's not who wears the pants in the family who's the boss,

it's who wears the diapers.


Kid's brain are like jello...

you have to fill them with 

lots of good stuff before they set.



(I saw this on a t-shirt depicting the baby Jesus laying in a stable manger)



Lord, give me strength

to live with my children.

But wait...Lord...

give me more strength...

I can't live without them.




Monday's child is fair of face,

Tuesday's child is full of grace,

Wednesday's child is full of woe,

Thursday's child has far to go,

Friday's child is loving and giving,

Saturday's child works hard for a living,

The child that is born on the Sabbath Day,

is bonny, blythe, good and gay.


My name is NOT...No-No !!!

(this saying was seen on a t-shirt--sent in by a visitor to this site)


Often God's biggest gift 

to us come in the littlest of packages...

our children.




Saying " yes " to a child

is like blowing a balloon.

You have to know when to stop.


Sending children to college is educational for parents.

It teaches them to do without many things.



Sometimes you get discouraged,

'cause I am so small and always

leave fingerprints on furniture and walls.

But everyday I'm growing. 

I'll be grown someday and all

those tiny handprints

will surely fade away.

So here's a little handprint 

just so you can recall.

Exactly how my fingers looked

when I was very small.




The decision to have a child, it's momentous.

It is to decide forever to let your heart

walk around outside of your body.


The good thing about spoiled children 

is that you never have any in your family.


There are two things a child will share willingly.

Chickenpox and his mother's age.


There are two things we should give our children...

one is roots...the other is wings.



To be in your children's memories tomorrow...

You have to be in their lives today.


To the world...you may be one person,

but to one person...you may be the world !



We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors,

we borrow it from our children.

                                   (Indian Proverb)


We know a secret

Just we three.

The Robin, and I and the

sweet Cherry tree.

The bird told the tree

and the tree told me

And nobody knows it

But just we three !

(sent in by a visitor to this site--it was a poem that was found

in a 25 yr. old kindergarten scrapbook)


We learn a lot from our children.....

like how much patience we have .



What should not be heard by little ears, 

should not be said by big mouths.


When God made the motor for toddlers, 

there's one thing He forgot, I fear...

Often the throttle gets stuck on high, 

for He forgot to include low gear.


When your children are little,

they step on your toes....

When they grow up, 

they step on your heart.


While we try to teach our children about life, 

our children teach us what life is all about.



You can search treasure maps,

And oceans so deep,

My child is my diamond,

Forever I’ll keep!


You can't scare me....I have kids !!


Visit my web page 

"Great Truths That Children Learn Have Learned About Life'

click here

E-mail me if you have other sayings  to add to this page.

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updated 4-16-09

             Every effort has been made to give credit to the authors of the material used on this site.

             Please let me know if an error has been made, and I will gladly make the necessary changes asap. ~Deanie~