

A man's reach,

should exceed his grasp.

Else, what's a heaven for ?!?


As a star that is lost when the daylight is given, 

he has faded away to shine brightly in heaven



Help yourself,

and heaven will help you.

                                               (Jean De La Fontaine --1668)


Heaven doesn't want me and hell's

afraid I'm going to take over !!


On the day the towers fell on nine-eleven,

the terrorist went to hell,

the innocent went to heaven.

                                        (Copyright 2003   Joseph P. Martino)


Sleeping babies must be

what heaven is like.


The sun's rays beaming through a cloud

are God's stairway to heaven.



Visit my web page "Church Marquees"...it's a great place to find some sayings

on your church signs.


E-mail me if you have other sayings to add to this page.

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updated 4/17/09

             Every effort has been made to give credit to the authors of the material used on this site.

             Please let me know if an error has been made, and I will gladly make the necessary changes asap. ~Deanie~