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Books, Media, & Gadgets


Not-So-Good Stuff

Last updated on Feb. 9, 2007

Now that you've seen our NFP Primer, the articles on our Info page, and maybe our Practical Theology page for more reasons to practice NFP, here's the folks who will teach it to you and the materials you need to learn it (more specific advice on our "learning it" page. Quality varies and listing here does not mean endorsement. The parts in this color are somebody's opinion. If you need help or want a more frank opinion, or have an addition, correction or "book report", hit the Contact button up at the top. Listings are alphabetical within the three categories above.

We (Oneida County, NY CCL Chapter) will NOT ship you any of this stuff; please contact the vendors directly. You can order books from stores or on-line by their ISBN number. Oh yes, a lot of these links get moved and we don't get around to updating them, so go to the home page of the organization or vendor, and search around on their site.

Books, media, and gadgets  

The hearts point out those products which are particularly useful, in our opinion

 "The Billings Method" by Dr. Evelyn Billings
 The Billingses got in on the ground floor of NFP in 1953 with the Ovulation Method, which is the most widely practiced form of systematic NFP in the world today, especially in the Third World.  You can also learn via on-line correspondence course, but you really need a book handy. There's no moral or theological "stuff" in the book, which is either a crucial failing or a welcome relief, depending on your point of view.

If you're trying to GET pregnant and would like a FREE audio CD on timing with the OM, go to

The Art of NFP book by CCL 
" The Art of Natural Family Planning" by J. Kippley (Couple to Couple League Press) 529 pp.
4th Edition, 1996, US $19.95 Postpaid
Dewey 613.9434; ISBN 0-9601036-4-3.  Check the CCL Web site under "basic materials" or call (800) 745-8252 ( order line only ). 

This is the encyclopedia of Sympto-Thermal NFP, the most thorough of all the NFP books. 529 pages and 2.5 pounds, but an easy read. (Not everything pertains to you NOW, but you'll be glad it's in here when it DOES.) Covers most everything from the basics to helps for infertility and PMS, except for the really dysfunctional cases (see FC&N below), including the moral, spiritual and social dimension.  This is the manual used in CCL classes, but you can learn NFP just with this book or in conjunction with the Home Study Course which includes everything you need  to practice NFP.  Also en Espanol.


Aware! Charting software for Ovulation Method, $15 download.  This doesn't interpret your chart, just lets you record and compare 6 cycles.

Baby Comp / Lady Comp  

Two simple to use, computerized temperature recording gadgets. However, they apparently use only the temperature sign, so it seems that long periods of abstinence in phase 1 would be required for effective pregnancy postponement. The failure rate is claimed to be better than 1%, typical of temp only NFP. For pregnancy achievement, the temperature just tells you that you're too late, so this would seem pointless and frustrating. Other problems with them are the cost: $376 for the Lady, $547 for the Baby. That would buy a lot of thermometers and chart paper.

The Bible and Birth Control by Charles D. Provan
published by Zimmer Printing, 410 West Main Street, Monongahela, PA 15063. Available from CCL .   Why the Protestants were against contraception, and passed laws against it. Luther, Calvin, Wesley, and dozens more quoted here.  See our Theology Page for a similar short article under "The Christian Tradition". 

Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing  

" Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing " 4th edition (1999) by Sheila Matgen Kippley, 212 pages (CCL) ISBN 0-926412-20-5
 Some of this is in the Art of NFP above, but this new edition covers the subject most thoroughly. It belongs in every LaLeche League library. Sheila got an LLL award for it.  Yes, breastfeeding DOES space babies (IF you do it right), and you can go right into practicing NFP, after an average 14 months of infertility. See our NFP Primer and Breastfeeding page for basic Lactation Amenorrhea info.

Catholic Sexual Ethics:  A Summmary, Explanation and Defense . Updated by Rev. Ronald Lawler O.F.M. Cap., Joseph Boyle Jr., & William E. May.    Our Sunday Visitor , 2nd edition, 1998.    " is coherent and extremely thoughful and only costs $9.95."  ----Jean Gaes
 "By the way the Catholic ethics book is really great....was very impressed with the explanation of the teachings" --Online NFP student

CCL Home Study Course , $79.95 postpaid.
Yes, you can learn it at home, easily. The content is the same as the CCL classes, and you can go at your own pace and convenient time & place, but you have to mail in your questions and charts. You can also go to any local class sessions for free, and write/FAX/e-mail/phone any Teaching Couple (or CCL) with questions. This is a good option even if classes are nearby, but at a bad time. It includes charts, electronic basal thermometer, book, other goodies, all you need to learn & practice NFP, plus a year's membership in CCL and their magazine.

Charting Coach, for Windows 3.1 & up. By Family of the Americas Foundation (FAF).
 Helps you chart and checks rules for the Ovulation Method (there is no temperature crosscheck). It's $19.95 and you can download it as shareware from their Web page: . It assumes some familiarity with the OM.

Clear Plan Easy $179 & up (plus replacement indicator strips, about $18/month). Available in many local drug stores. A pee-on-a-stick hormone tester for identifying fertile times,  In the USA, it's not approved for avoiding pregnancy (probably because it doesn't work so well by itsself),  but a similar unit in Europe is sold for that purpose. It doesn't confirm ovulation, and false readings could be a problem, but it's easy to use.

Recent medical work has shown that this and other hormone testers (like Persona) can be of use in helping NFP users identify the fertile time. Some Clinical data from Dr. Michael Zinaman (Loyola University - Chicago) on the Clearplan Easy Fertility Monitor:
1. CPEFM provides a 99% accurate detection of the LH surge
2. CPEFM will give the majority of women 1-5 days warning of their Peak Fertility through monitoring of E3G
3. CPEFM will typically detect 6 days of High and Peak Fertility
4. From  cycle 2 onwards, 80% of users only needed to do 10 tests per cycle
If you want to learn more about the use of the Clearplan monitor with NFP go to .

Cyclewatch   is a shareware Sympto-Thermal charting app which got 4 stars from ZDnet. It is sold for avoiding pregnancy also, but no guarantees or claims of accuracy are made. From Wimoweh Software.

Der persönliche Zyklus der Frau  ("A woman's personal cycle")  in German
Von der Vorpubertät bis in die Wechseljahre. Josef Rötzer, MD.
Preis:  DM 36,00    EUR 18,41
Taschenbuch - 256 Seiten (1999)
Herder, Freibg.; ISBN: 345126885X
Versandfertig in 2 bis 3 Werktagen.
Dr. Roetzer in Austria is one of the pioneers of the Sympto-Thermal  Method and founded INER, which teaches NFP in Germany.

Family Planning The Natural Way , by Dr. Josef Roetzer is a book we've heard about but can't track down. Dr. Roetzer is Austrian and on the medical advisory board of CCL, contributing one of our rules. Amazon might have a copy. The German original is titled NATURLICHE GEBURTENREGELUNG , Der partnerschaftliche Weg,  Issued by Herder, Vienna, 1994. There have been French and Polish editions.

FamPlan 2000 , for Windows 95-98. $40. Clark Consultants, 15410 SW 10th Ave., Miami FL
This is a full STM charting program that follows CCL rules, and gives CCL members a discount. If you try it, let us know.

"The Fertility Awareness Handbook" by Barbara Kass-Annese and Hal C. Danzer, 1986.  Printed Matter, PO box 15246, Atlanta GA.     ISBN 0-89793-096-7 Another mystery. Have you read it? Write us.

Fertility Cycles and Nutrition book

"Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition" by Marilyn M. Shannon
    Third Edition, 216 pp., 2001 (CCL Press)  $12.95  from the CCL Bookstore under "nutrition"
    Dewey 612.32    ISBN 0-926412-09-4
An excellent book for self-treatment of irregular or problem cycles, PMS, infertility, etc. Based on medical studies and successful treatments. This is the most popular book in our Chapter's lending library, and we keep one next to the computer for answering e-mails. Some of this information has been included in "The Art of NFP", but this continues where the other book leaves off. If you have anything funny going on, you need this. More info on this book, and some articles on this topic, at the CCL site. The third edition has a new appendix but it's more useful than your appendix. The cover is Pepto-Bismol/Barbie pink, so you can find it when you need it..

  "Fertility, Fertility Awareness & NFP", 2nd ed., 1996, by Elizabeth Chubb, David & Charles, Pub., $13.80. ISBN 0715304240   Soft Cover, 192 pages. Available in US and Australia from
  Australia/NZ: A$27.00    Other Countries: US$16.50

" A fully comprehensive source of authoritative information on understanding and using natural family planning", says the publisher.  (In 192 pages??)...This book has no large fan club that we know of.

Fertility Friend is a place where you can get chart interpretations and post charts on-line for others to see. Although mainly for those trying to conceive, it has a lot of good info on fertility awareness, such as this page telling you how to observe symptoms in great detail.

More software!" Fertility Monitor"    $95 from NFP Software, Inc. in Clarks Summit, PA. A DOS-based Sympto-Thermal Method interpreter. According to their data, it conforms well to CCL and LifeCycle interpretation. The debate is unsettled among CCL folks whether these software programs are of any use, so if you try it let us know.

General Electric Medical Systems : their newer 4D imaging ultrasound machines help "bring good things to life" by showing pregnant women that the child inside them is a real human being, something abortion providers do NOT want them to know. (On the other hand, ultrasounds are relatively useless to NFP users, who know precisely when they got pregnant, and how far along they are.)

Human Life International
 This is at heart a right to life organization, and staunchly Catholic and anti-contraception (because it leads to abortion). 


Good News about Sex & Marriage , Answers to Your Honest Questions about Catholic Teaching
Christopher West,  Servant Publications, Ann Arbor, Michigan :  (
Available from CCL among other places, a highly regarded, easy reading book. Chris is also available for talks and seminars on the book, based on Pope JP II's Theology of the Body.  If he's in town don't miss him! The Gift Foundation has his audio tapes. 

"Above all it has an incredibly POSITIVE spin on it -- not a bunch of "don'ts" but an explanation that, if taken to heart, would yield great joy, I think." --Erin

"I was so excited when I listened to the tape, the message is positive and exciting....I feel that I have much more joy in following the Church's teaching now that I understand it more fully.  Everyone, listen to this tape and read the book!! --Dawn


Hormone Heresy: Estrogen's Deadly Truth  Interested in how hormones work, and why you should not fool with them?  The drug companies do not want you to read this long article from Nexus Magazine, which came out before the recent panic about HRT. Still, millions of women are on stronger doses of the same hormones for contraception!

 "An Introduction to the Sympto-Thermic Method of Natural Family Planning " by Bill Cogan.
No ISBN number.  Pub. by Cogan Productions  555 W. Illinois Ave,  Aurora, IL  60506
Copyright  1986.  Tel:  708-896-6555
 Basic intro pamphlet to NFP, with good pictures of mucus changes. Videos in English or Spanish for $18.75 plus $3.50 S&H.

Kuhar Konsultants is another on-line vitamin & mineral shop, but this one caters especially to the infertile, carrying Optivite and other similar formulations for optimizing fertility and stimulating ovulation. They also have a lot of good nutrition information on-line.

League of St. Gerard   The Redemptorists in Canada have info on St.  Gerard, the patron saint of mothers and mother wanna-bes. A good guy to have on your side.

Love and Fertility, by Mercedes Wilson.
Second edition, 1986, paperback, ISBN: 0-9633125-0-2. About $20 from  FAF

" This is an excellent book to learn the foundation of "The Ovulation Method" (AKA Billings). Very good illustrations. The beginning student definitely needs to supplement this basic information with other resources (classes, other books, etc.) to apply this knowledge to her specific situation. This book is written is very simple language (even a junior high student could comprehend it, IMO)" --- Donna, in Livonia (that's not a country, it's west of Detroit)

Love One Another , John Marshall. London: Sheed & Ward, 1995. A British book from an early BBT pioneer which explores the psychological effects of NFP in an unbiased way (says the blurb). Sounds like a good read for the unchurched.  He was a member of the 1963 papal commission that voted for the Catholic Church to change its teaching on contraception (but seems to have mellowed a bit?).

The Missing Cornerstone: Reasons why couples choose NFP

"In a society where instant gratification and materialism are idolized, love is often misconceived as merely getting what you want when you want it.  The contraceptive mentality transfers that misconception into married love, betraying the true meaning of sexuality and poisoning the heart of the family.  In recent years, many married couples who used contraception have been waking up to this, and finding a healthy, effective alternative to responsible parenthood in Natural Family Planning. This volume gathers the testimonies of 44 such couples.  Each couple has traveled a unique path, but they have all discovered the same wonderful reality:  true joy in marriage and family life comes not from getting, but from giving, from undertaking the adventure of authentic, generous love. "

$12 from Circle Press, USA or Canada 888-881-0729  or  203-230-0729,

"Nature's Method" interactive CD-ROM on Ovulation Method, with Charting Coach software, $24.95 from Family of the Americas Foundation  

"The New No Pill, No-Risk Birth Control." by Nona Aguilar. NY: Rawson
 Associates, 1986. ISBN# 0-89256-299-4 and 0-89256-300-1  $17 (pbk)
  This book teaches a simple STM. Nona got interested in NFP after doing research on the marriage building effect of NFP.  She's a fascinating speaker on this topic, too. The book, well, it was new 20 years ago, but there are better ones now.

 NFP e-Charting Suite for Windows (requires .Net from Microsoft). A complete STM chart program ....whoops, he's got some legal issues to straighten out, so it's on hold right now.

NFP for Palm OS 3.1  Chad up in Toronto figured you can practice NFP for free so he wrote this FREEWARE so you can keep your chart on your Palm. It does Sympto-Thermal using Toni Weschler rules. The website has a list of inferior NFP software, Palm and PC, most of which costs money.

Open Embrace-A Protestant Couple Rethinks Contraception Open Embrace: A Protestant Couple Rethinks Contraception by Sam and Bethany Torodes, Wm. Eerdmans Publishing.  Check out this long  excerpt which they let us have, that's really the meat of the whole book. The book's not too long, yet packs a whole lot of good explanation of how to make a great Christian marriage. 

"The Protestant Reformers...were fierce foes of contraception. But over the last seven decades, many of their spiritual descendants succumbed to modernist sexual heresies. The Torodes chart a path back to faithfulness, trust, and the fullness of Christian love."--Allan Carlson

"....wisdom from the Bible and the Christian past to challenge conventional views on contraception. Sweetly written and solidly argued, this is a head-clearing, heart-warming read."   —J.I. Packer

Update: lately the Torodes did a sorta-about-face on contraception, saying it's OK if NFP is too tough.  Kind of like the seed that fell on rocky ground...well, anyway there's a good article in the Richmond Catholic Diocese NFP Newsletter about their apparent change of heart, refuting their new arguments.  

Optivite is a vitamin supplement tailored to maximizing fertility and treating PMS, luteal phase problems, and some other cycle problems. Recommended by Marilyn Shannon and other nutritional experts, and gets lots of good buzz in the infertility and NFP news/chat groups. seems to be cheaper than Kuhar ; 180's for $9.90 and 252's for $13.70.  You might even get a good deal at the local discount drug store, if you get it ordered for you. Read FC&N before swallowing.

Ovarian Monitor Using a urine sample, it checks estrogen and progesterone levels so you can determine ovulation.  Needs recalibration and refill of the reagents occasionally. This may be the future of NFP....if Dr. Len Blackwell in New Zealand can get it productized better.  Or, maybe not.

Persona   Fertility tester, a gadget for measuring hormone levels and thus detecting ovulation. No other symptoms are measured. Not approved by US's FDA. In the UK, costs  £65  plus £10 a month for detector sticks. They aren't real open about how this thing really works, but they claim a 94% method effectiveness, which is a lot worse than the STM (they've been sued in the UK), but it's a no-brainer.


A Preachable Message from BOMA. Pastors! Get this book if you don't know what to say (or why) about NFP and contraception. Testimonies from 32 priests, sample homilies, a list of scripture citations over the liturgical year, lots of ideas. Flocks, get this for your shepherd, maybe you'll hear that most rare of all locutions, a sermon on improving marriage through NFP.
$9.95 from BOMA USA or CCL 


Low-cost natural Progesterone cream is sold in airtight metered doses at Jessica's site

Prophet and Priests
, The Hidden Face of the Birth Control Movement by Ann Farmer, 
$17 from Amazon.  The description says, "This compelling study of the origins, development and activities of the birth control movement will prove an eye-opener to those who think of it as a force for good." In case you're wondering, NFP is not contraception and is way different from the goals of the "Birth Control Movement".

"Sex and the Marriage Covenant" by John Kippley ( CCL )
 Theology and morality in depth. GREAT depth. New edition, Spring 2002. There's plenty more sex & theology books available in CCL's catalog.

"Sexual Wisdom" by Richard  Wetzel, MD; Ann Arbor: Proctor Publications, 1998  is a non-denominational chastity and ethics book that   received praise from Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Mormon, and other community leaders.   It's available from

Sophia Fertility Computer saves 210 temp recordings and predicts fertility. $45; PC interface $95.  A proprietary algorithm uses low temps to compute hormones, ignoring disturbed high spikes. This is popular in Japan with a million sold, but the developer doesn't want to pay for an effectiveness study. Whether this is less hassle than putting temps on a chart daily is up to you. You can put in other symptoms (even biorhythms, FWIW) with the PC interface.  Also available at

"Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth

Control,  Pregnancy Achievement and Reproductive Health " by Toni Weschler, MPH. Quill, 2001 0060937645 , 496 pages, $23.95.

" really gives you a good understanding of  WHY a womans body does what it does. It is not judgmental or agenda based, other than promoting the methods as extremely safe and effective. There isn't much moral/sociological stuff but it does have a chapter on FAM in the age of AIDS. It is an easy read and has an appropriate level of information for the average reader.... I personally found this book to be very comprehensive and engrossing." --- Cathy C.

Toni Weschler's rules under FAM (Fertility Awareness Method) are the same as her NFP rules, except that a barrier method such as condoms or diaphram is used instead of abstaining during potentially fertile times. Obviously, this would not be as reliable as NFP, nor would it be acceptable to those who use NFP for religious reasons.

She gets lots of publicity and sells lots of books, and FAM is marginally better than contraceptives so it appeals to a wide range of folks to which NFP would be a total shock to their moral systems. A safe gift for that friend of yours who's mortally allergic to any whiff of "religion" and couldn't abide the CCL book. For a comparison of FAM and NFP, see

still more software!! TCOYF Fertility Software Win 95 & up: $29.95.
You input all your observations and it does the work for you. This follows Toni Weschler's rules. We've heard from folks who have used LifeCycle's previous app and think it's helped them learn NFP faster. And some who think it's overly complicated and time-consuming to keep all your charts on a computer.  It does work, and is approved by the FDA .

Vitex, a herbal treatment for PMS, excessive bleeding and short luteal phases
" At NWFS, where we teach the sympto-thermal method, we've been referring some women to a natural alternative popular and well documented in Europe, it's called Vitex (from the "chaste tree") and it works at the level of the pituitary. Dr. Josef Roetzer [NFP pioneer] informed us of this approach. It works slowly,  but in many women reduced PMS, promotes a stronger luteal phase, and reduces excesses bleeding. It is available at many health food stores."  You may find it referred to as Chasteberry extract, its common name.  It also may take 6 months or more to work, according to people we know who have used it. Also available at Emerson Ecologics , 30 day supply $40.

The Way Home by Mary Pride, Crossway Books, Westchester,  IL 60153 is an older book on contraception from an Evangelical point of view.

 WinBOM for PCs ($30)  and WinBOM for Palm ($25) are apps developed by the Billings organizations to do Ovulation Method symptom recordings and chart interpretations.  Downloadable demos run 30 days.

Women's Health after Abortion by Elizabeth Ring-Cassidy & Ian Gentles
 Even  the on-line bulletized summary of this book is an eye-opener.
Do you get into debates with so-called "Pro-Choice" people? Write letters to newspaper editors? If you have a friend who is convinced Planned Parenthood tells the truth, get this book. $20, CDN$25 from the Deveber Institute .

"Your Fertility Signals" by Merryl Winstein . 1995. Smooth Stone Press, P.O. Box 19875, St.
Louis MO 63144. $12.95 + $1.50 postage (USA), + 6% tax in MO. ISBN 0-9619401-0-7
 (also available in German)
A short, simple to understand book, but not overly thorough. Cute line drawings.

NFP Teaching Organizations

There are several different organizations of trained NFP teachers. The methods taught, depth of class material, moral principles, and teacher training may vary, so ask first. There is no national "accreditation" for NFP teachers, so check credentials. There are area programs (e.g., Catholic Dioceses) and many solo teachers, but these are the larger organizations, mostly worldwide, with a few regional  programs listed later.

Large Organizations

American Academy of Fertility Care Professionals  Creighton Method organization which trains teachers.

BOMA is the American branch of the Billings (Ovulation)
organization. WOOMB (listed below)  is the world headquarters in Australia. To look up instructors, go here

Couple to Couple League (CCL)
PO Box 111184
Cincinnati OH 45211
(513) 471-2000  Orders ONLY: (800) 745-8252

This is the largest US NFP organization, and, in our humble opinion, the best.  There are over 1000 CCL volunteer Teaching Couples, mostly in the USA.  The TC Finder has most of them arranged by state, country, or area code.  If you have trouble with that, write CCL and see if there's a promoter nearby. 

Membership ($21/yr) gets you a  big newsletter (here's some sample articles)   full of the latest biological, moral, and political info. CCL also supports mother-baby and family bonding, and pro-life, Catholic, Christian, religious, and general moral values.  Plus short pamphlets to books and videos on marriage, chastity, and family. For instance, there's a great K-8 chastity/"sex ed" supplement for religious education called"New Corinthians",  which follows Catholic teaching (maybe your school doesn't!)

Creighton: see Pope Paul VI Institute below

Family of the Americas Foundation Family of the Americas
Box 1170 Dunkirk MD 20754
(800) 443-3395 or (301) 627-3346
They have NFP books in 21 languages that teach the Ovulation Method, and a nice OM effectiveness table listing a number of studies.  

FertilityCare Centres of America has teachers worldwide but the list is of the USA only

The Institute for Reproductive Health of Georgetown University Medical Center has developed a new NFP method they call the Standard Day Method ( SDM ). Intended for third world countries, it seems to be a lot like Calendar Rhythm from their description. They say that recent research has identified the fertile time more precisely, but don't say how exactly.  Studies have shown it to have about 95% method effectiveness, which is 5 times worse than the OM or STM, but it is a lot easier to learn. Usually, SDM systems use beads where you move a marker each day to keep track of cycle phases.

Maternal Life International  hopes to teach third-worlders NFP through a bead system of counting similar to the Standard Day Method. These are the actual beads, which they sent us and we scanned in.
  432 North Main Street
  Butte MT   59701

Similar beads available from the Fitch Fertility Center in San Diego for $15.
6214 Rose Lake Ave.
    San Diego CA 92119  (800) 40-FITCH

Northwest Family Services
4805 NE Glisan
Portland, OR 97213 503-215-6377
NFP Sympto-Thermal Method client and educator program. Has teachers around the USA; look them up here. 

One More Soul directory of NFP teachers and NFP-only doctors; there's a Pro-Life Ob-GYN directory at the AAPLOG

Pope Paul VI Institute
6901 Mercy Road
Omaha, NE  68106-2604    402-390-9175
This is the accrediting agent for practitioners (teachers) of the Creighton Model of the Ovulation (Billings)  method.  They publish a free newsletter, Love and Life, and conduct much of the NFP research in the US. Their NaProTech system incorporates NFP into medical practice; they conduct yearly training sessions. Find a local Creighton teacher here  

The ethics division of the Pope Paul VI Institute publishes a bi-monthly newsletter, The NaProEthics Forum and probes the Catholic view of marriage, family, sexuality, and procreation. $15 personal subscription, $20 institutional, $18 foreign. Got moral questions? Contact the ethics director, Sister Renee Mirkes , OSF, PhD , 402-390-6600. Dr. Tom Hilgers, the Director, wrote a lot of good theological stuff to browse on their website.  

Serena logo

151 Holland Ave.
Ottawa ONT K1Y0Y2   
    (613) 728-6536     (également en français: "Planification Naturelle des Naissances" )
A large NFP provider in Canada, where they have been teaching the SymptoThermal Method since the fifties. Check the phone book, or call 888-3SERENA (888-373-7362) in Canada. 


WOOMB logo (Billings)WOOMB   (World Organization Ovulation Method Billings) is the Australia-based worldwide HQ for the Billings Ovulation Method, probably the world's largest and oldest (1953) provider of NFP instruction. Other Billings websites exist; this one has good pictures of cervix and mucus changes.

Some Local Organizations

Try the big organizations listed above first, like Serena, Billings, CCL). If you are in the military overseas, ask your chaplain if NFP classes are given on your base. 


California Association of NFP is a consortium of all providers in the Golden State

Philadelphia NFP Network
Your one-stop NFP center in the City of Brotherly Love. Has info on local teachers (your choice of methods ) and class dates. 

Phoenix NFP Center
4945 East Thomas Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85108
(602) 381-1884


China   From 2000-2006 or so, some 40 thousand  Billings Method teachers have been trained in China. 

Japan   Gadgets and software for predicting fertility are pretty popular in Japan.
Catholic Family Centre (Ovulation Method)

Sarayama 4-27, Minami-ku
Fumuoka City 815


 Institut fuer Ehe und Familie
 Spiegelgasse 3/8
 A-1010 Wien (Vienna)


Universitat Duesseldorf :  Forschungsprojekt Natürliche Familienplanung:  "Was ist NFP? Wiekann man NFP erlernen?"

Malteser Arbeitsgruppe NFP

Natürliche Familienplanung Diozese Augsburg
NFP, Kappelberg 1
86150 Augsburg
Tel. 0821/3152-282

Institute for Natural Family Planning a large German NFP organization. You can download STM charts in different formats.  They're in Celsius and German, which will confuse your kids or parents if they see them on the dresser. 

CCL of the United Kingdom  has a big website in Sherwood Forest

Fertility Awareness & NFP Service UK 
An STM provider in the British Isles, they have a bunch of info on NFP, including titles of research, and downloadable STM charts (under "miscellaneous").


 België, Vlaanderen,  NederlandNFP Europe  Informatie over natuurlijke familie planning in het Nederlands. 

Poland   There are hundreds of NFP teachers in Poland.  Call any Catholic church.

Not-So-Good Stuff

The items here are of questionable utility in practicing NFP, but people ask about them, so here they are. They might work OK for getting pregnant, but a lot of things can help you get pregnant. (As the late Ogden Nash observed, "Candy's Dandy, but Liquor's Quicker.")
Some have real possibilities for future NFP use, but much work and many effectiveness studies remain to be done.

Bioself Fertility Tester  $217 in the USA . A Swiss gadget, does calendar-temperature indications of fertile times. It records a years' worth of temps, then predicts when you're fertile.  It doesn't test hormones or mucus, so it should be used with the usual symptom chart. So, why not just use a ten dollar thermometer instead?  It's pretty big (3 AA batteries), but the built-in speaker is pretty cool: you can download temps to your local Bioself Center (which is in Switzerland).  

Cue Electrolyte Tester, $385  A gadget that measures the resistivity (electrical conductivity) of saliva and/or cervical mucus, which changes near ovulation. Like the other mucus-sampling gadgets, this is probably better for achieving conception than avoiding it effectively (research is continuing). Seems expensive, but it does have stainless steel probes. OvaCue  ($375) is a similar gadget.


Femta   is an Ogino-Knaus Calendar Rhythm application. $28; free demo works for two months. Don't expect high effectiveness from this or any Rhythm method, but they are simple. And, you need a good 6 cycles of data to use O-K Rhythm.

Microscopes for viewing ferning patterns in saliva or cervical mucus have been sold for a number of years.  Changes in electrolytes (salts) during your cycle cause crystallization patterns in your fluids. Studies by NFP organizations and medical researchers have not shown them to be consistent enough to be used to avoid conception.  See our NFP Primer for some info on them. If you have a 35 - 100X  microscope hanging around, try it out to see if it works for you.

Brands include:   Cycle Check ($70) ;  Donna Fertility Tester, $60 ;  PC-2000;  the Lady-free Biotester; OVU-TRACThe LENS  $29.95 800-723-0400 or 800-345-3371; Maybe?Mom (pictured) is $150 ;   Ovu-Tec ($45);   ( Dr. John Lee  sells the same gadget  but calls it Ovu-Tech ).   The Woman's Window  website has the best theory and pictures about the ferning phenomenon, and Ovu-Test's ($30) website is pretty good too.

 Rhythm Calendars: Two places to get an estimate of ovulation, based on your previous cycles (which are assumed to be regular).   Ovulation is an ovulation prediction program that uses menstrual cycle information to generate your personal fertility calendar, and lets you choose the gender of your baby and her zodiac sign (no guarantees) . You can set it to give you a pop-up that tells you when to get busy. Downloadable for $29.  Our advice: save your money.
Ovulation does the same thing for free, on-line. Plus there's short descriptions of "real" NFP methods, and a downloadable .PDF chart which can be used to record all symptoms. Wesley is thinking of improving the calculator to do other methods to avoid pregnancy effectively.  When he does, we'll move this program up to the "useful" categories above.

PSC Fertility Monitor is a skin conductivity meter that measures the electrolyte level in your perspiration (similar to the ferning microscopes and Cue tester above).  A watch-sized wrist sensor downloads data to a PC. It's sold for achieving pregnancy only.

ZappyBaby   "A German company is offering a new service for the modern professional woman with little time to spend trying to get pregnant -- regular mobile phone calls telling her when she is most fertile, for example,  'Achtung! The five best days for love are starting,' zappybaby Deutschland GmbH said in a statement.  'We live in hectic times and there is so little free time for people who want to have some nice hours together and want to have children.' " If you don't have time to conceive, will you have time to raise that kid? Well, ZappyBaby got zapped around 2005.  Ananova ran a similar text-messaging service in Poland, using Calendar Rhythm.  Also defunct.   


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