Mansion on The Hill

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Hello My Friend.... I thank you for your visit took the time to get here, so please take the time to see and read the whole won't take long, I promise.(smile)

Someone once told me that my mama found me in a garden, when I ask why, I was told "cause you are a blooming idiot". times I think they were right!!!

We hear people so many times asking themselves this question, who am I? Well my most mysterious question is why am I here?..I often wonder why I am where I am.. at times I find myself in unusual cirmstances...I find that I am, at times called on to do things and fill positions in life that I question. Sometimes I feel somewhat resentful of burdens that I am ask to bear....But then I remember that to everything there is a purpose...

I am a firm believer in the fact that all things happen for a purpose....You are reading these words that I have written for a purpose, there is a reason for you being here. Just as there is a reason for each of us to be in the place in our lives that we are today. The important thing about it is..what are we gonna do about it? Are we gonna just say "Oh Lord, why me, why now?".Or will we look and try to make some good of it? There is good to be found in most all circumstances in life.....

I may not allways be too happy about where I am but I am going to try my best to smile my way though it......If 'Life is what you make it' then I will be found trying to make it pleasant for myself and for why not try this. "Bloom where you are planted"..even if it does cause you to sometimes be called a 'blooming idiot" In the Garden of life.

Mary, Mary are you contrary? How does Your Garden (of Life) Grow?

Hello Mary, How are you today? You are in a bad mood? just a contrary mood huh? Oh I see now, well Mary did you sow flower seed or nettle seed? Why do I ask? Do you remember that telemarketing lady that called you last week Mary? Did you say something nasty to her or just be rude and hang up on her? Mary I heard you neighbor was sick with the flue and I just wondered if you checked with her and ask if she needed anything, maybe something from the store? You would have missed what? oh your soaps....hum..well I guess she will understand...did you send her a card to let her know you care?...Yes stamps do cost 32 cents now. Have you heard from your brother lately? Is he still out of work? Oh you have been avoiding him because you are afraid he will ask for a loan to tide him over? Mary, I was just wondering, did anybody ever tell you that you will reap what you sow, and that you need to be sowing seeds of kindness in your Garden of life?Do you know that the 'Golden Rule' comes from the Bible? "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"...yes, yes I know you read your Bible Mary...oh that one commandment, 'thou shalt not kill'..thats all you need to know....just so long as you don't kill nobody you are allright huh? well Mary it has been very enlightening talking to you but I really should move along now, but before I go Mary, there is one thing I must tell you.... Girlie,You need an attitude adjustment.

And ya know a little rain's gotta fall takes the rain to make the flowers grow. Can't all be sunny skies and good times.


She sits out in her Garden

right beside the gate

tending to her flowers

from early evening, until late.

She tends each single plant

with tender love and care

each flower has a meaning

and memories aren't so rare.

There is a lovely red rose

like the one from long ago

the one she received one day

from a very special beau.

The buttercups so yellow

and the daisys light blue

reminds her of the little girl next door

she only wanted one or two.

So as she pulls the weeds with care

she remembers everything

that makes her garden special

and causes her heart to sing..


T_Rose is the Daughter of ISparrow, ain't she pretty? Makes pretty words too.

Gather up the corners of your apron

and fill it full of flowers..

Remember how you waited for them

through all of April's showers.

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Psalms 126:5,6 "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy....He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his Sheaves with him."

Hey Ya'll, I did not put this name here just for it to be seen..I really would like to hear from some of you..and please if you did not do so..go back to front page and sign my guestbook..even if you just say "I was Here".Please scroll all the way to the bottom of this page for a link to Country At Heart..thanks a bunch.

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