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Reunion Users Web Ring


*** I'm having trouble migrating the Reunion Ring - please check back later *** If you're here, chances are you are using Reunion by Leister Productions to record your family history. Either that or you are simply interested in visiting good genealogy sites and having people with similar interests visiting your own site. Whatever the reason I'm sure you will benefit from joining the Reunion Users Web-Ring.

The idea of a web ring is to easily find those sites of common interest. Finding another genealogist will be as easy as clicking 'next' on your web ring (which will take you to the next site) and so on. All sites will be checked out before they are added to the ring so you can be assured that they will all be suitable for family viewing.

To join the ring fill in and send the form below...

 Your site URL: (be sure to include the http:// at the beginning)

Your site Title:

Your E-mail address:

Password: (choose a password you'll remember and don't tell anyone else)

Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.

Enter a short description of your site.

Once complete click the button to add your site to the queue

or and start again


Once you have queued your page, I'll automatically receive an e-mail. Add the ring code to your page (see details below) and e-mail me to let me know it's ready to go. I'll look at your page and if it checks out I will add you to the ring.

If you are already a member and wish to edit your site details please use the form on the next page. CLICK HERE TO EDIT SITE.

TO GET THE CODE: First you need to view the source code for this page. To view the document source using Netscape select the "Page Source" option in the View menu, in Internet Explorer select the "Source" option in the View menu. Once the source code has opened, look for the "Begin Reunion Ring Fragment" and "End Reunion Ring Fragment" lines. Copy everything in-between and paste it into the code on your own home page. It needs to be edited to reflect your details. Change the information in the code for the "owned by" section to your own name and e-mail address and change the site ID codes to yours . The code already has the addition of the "_top" variable to get out of framed pages.

IMPORTANT! For the ring to function properly you must also change the id number in the code to YOUR site id number. Your site id number will be e-mailed to you automatically after you add your site to the queue. The id number appears 6 times, make sure you change them all. In the following example code from my page you can see the numeral 1 towards the end of the reference (it's 1 because this sites is id=1) simply change the 1 to whatever your site id is.

Example: HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgibin/webring?ring=reunion&id=1&prev"

NEW: The graphics are linked to my page, but to make your page load faster I suggest you download the graphics, save them to your site and then edit the HTML to reflect the changes. The only drawback with this is you'll have to do it again if I ever change the graphics (which is possible with the new release of the windows version of Reunion).


So a quick recap - after you copy the code.

1) change my name to yours

2) change my e-mail address to your email address, and

3) change the six occurrences of the site id number from 1 to your ID number (which you will receive via e-mail).

For anyone with a basic knowledge of HTML this will only take a few minutes. If however you need help just drop me an e-mail. I'll be glad to lend a hand.

See you on the ring!


 This (below) is what will appear on your page once you add the code.


The best genealogy program for Mac or Windows.
This Reunion Web Ring site is owned by Brian Lipscomb.

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