I had always wanted a monkey. When I heard there was one for sale not far away, I got excited. So, we went to meet her. She was nothing like I had seen before...her species. She was fascinating. We watched for a while....and then decided to buy her.

The owners gave us a description of her past history that would send chills down your spine. The things this animal went's a wonder she was still alive. We were told that she was kept in a bus.....almost forgotten about. At one point she was kept in a cage that was way too small for her. And someone had established a diet for her that consisted of hot dogs and lettuce.

We got in contact with a person who knew about monkeys and got Sissy on a more nutritional diet. She told us that Sissy had developed Ricketts due to her being in the small cage. So we never kept her in a cage....only a diaper.

At first she had nothing to do with us. Diaper changes were painful...she had very sharp teeth!! But she gradually began to trust us. She would come around us and even sit by us. She began to grow on us just like we did on her.

One day, I put her out in her outside pen...and when I brought her back in she didn't look so well. I called the vet and the monkey person....both told me that it was probably something that would an upset tummy. I had made an appointment for her at a Monkey Vet for the following day.......but, we never made it. When I got up that morning she was almost listless.....we rushed her to the nearest vet....but, it was too late. She crossed over the Rainbow Bridge just as we arrived at the vet. I believe she had an intestinal blockage of some kind...we will never know. We had her for several months and grew very attached to her. We miss her to this day.....and it has been two years. We are proud to know that we did make a difference in her life....if only for a little while.


Here are some pictures of other.....Patas Sissy.

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