
WEIGHT: 7 lbs 8 oz
ACTUAL AGE: 5 Months
CORRECTED AGE: 1 1/2 Months

Guess what? I weigh around 9lbs, drinking 3 oz of milk every three hours, smiling, doing the cooing thing, and am very alert (don't want to miss a thing). I can also lift up on my elbows to get a better view of things.

I only had 1 real apnea (actual low heart rate alarm) and that was in January. Daddy figured out how to silence the pulse ox monitor from beeping (I'm trying to tell them that I can breath on my own but I have to wait until my doctor sets me free, hopeful next month!).

Mommy decided to keep the updates short and sweet (don't want to bore anyone) anyway talk to you next month.

See Ya! (baby talk)

March Update

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