A New Year

WEIGHT: 5 lbs 10 oz
ACTUAL AGE: 4 Months

I thought I would start the New Year off with a bang and ended up back in the hospital on New Year's day. My double hernias were causing me a lot of pain and I was running a fever. Somehow I got an urinary tract infection which required a hospital stay for 7 days, then had my hernias removed and was sent home the next day. I didn't like my hospital stay at all, (I guess I was use to all the special treatment at the other hospital) neither did mommy or daddy. I was only 5 lbs (4 mths actual age, 3 wks corrected) but was being treated as a full term baby I suppose.

After the hospital stay everything was smooth sailing almost. I am drinking about 2 1/2 oz of milk every three hours (mommy isn't getting much sleep at night), starting to spit up a lot more than usual (reflux) so the doctor prescribe propulsid and zantac. I passed my second hearing evaluation, my eyes have finally matured, ROP resolved (no laser surgery) but there is some scar tissue on the right eye so I have a follow-up appointment in 3 months, I had my first Respigam treatment to help prevent RSV (all my viens were blown so the nurse had to put an IV in my scalp). Both mommy and daddy (especially daddy) were very upset.

All in all a very busy month for me, mommy and daddy.

February Update

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