
Today is October 3, 1997 and I am one month old and currently weigh in at 1 lb 9 oz. For some strange reason the doctors thought that I was ready to be moved to the Special Care Nursey which is the next step after NICU. Mommy and daddy thought that I was still too small to be moved. Well after only 1 day in my new home I got another infection which really pooped me out, so back on the ventilator I go. This time the doctor needed to perform a spinal tap to rule out meningitis. I stayed on the ventilator for a few days, weaned to CPAP, then Nasal Cannula. Needless to say, I was back in NICU.

Well Daddy got a shock today when he was watching the nurse change my diaper, he noticed that I had a big hernia. Daddy was very upset because no one ever mentioned the hernia to us. The next day mommy and daddy spoke with the doctor who stated that hernias are very common in premature baby boys and is not a serious threat so the docotor decided not to mention the hernias to mommy and daddy. Big mistake, daddy told the doctor that we want to be informed of any and all changes and conditions regarding me (I feel special) and also want to be informed of every blood transfusion (I had about 7 transfusions). Speaking of blood transfusion, daddy wanted to use his blood but he has a different blood type, grandpa blew a vein while trying to give, mommy couldn't give, but thanks to Uncle Michael I received his blood ( I guess that makes us sort of blood brothers), anyway thanks Michael.

By the end of the month the doctors moved me once again to Special Care Nursey, I was a little bigger 2 lbs 1oz, mommy and daddy was concerned once again and spoke with the doctor who assured them that I am big and strong enough. Well I lasted 3 days in SCN and back to NICU again with another infection (staph). This time I fought off the infection a little better than last time, I only had to go on CPAP for a few days instead of the ventilator. One day I got tired of the CPAP, so I pulled it out along with my feeding tube. They decided to let me breath room air and see how long I can go ( I tried to tell them I could breath on my own).

It's month end and I am still breathing on my own. See ya next month!

November 1997 Update

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