Evfurryone knows that us cats are the mightiest!

Coffee: I'm mighty because I haf kitty muscles! I'm eating more and more evfurryday so I can finally win a fight wif my sisfur...

Charlie: Because I'm the only guy-cat in my house-hold! I fight all the big toms in my neighborhood and win. And I love to see how much I can rule a human by having a staring contest. I always win! *grin*

Dwnn: Because I stalk repairmen and scare them vurry bad. Because if my meowmie picks up the basket of warm, clean laundry to keep it away from me, I just leap up and jump on top. She HATES that, but I'm BOSS!!

Taliesin: Because I can become invisible any time I want to. Like when my meowmie even THINKS about taking me to the vet. Whee, I'm gone! Also, I help my brofur stalk people in our house. They don't know we're twins so they can't figure out how they can see a cat behind them one second and a cat in front of them the next! We do cat-laughs about that!

Buddy: I'm a Mighty Cat because I rule my household and anyone who dares to enter!

Timna: Iz a mighty kitty 'cause... 'cause... yuz MADE me one, josie!

Woosel: Iz a mighty kitty 'cause Iz hunt mousies and birdies and little furry tings! Iz meowie mighty!

Jinx the Cat: I am very muscular and beautiful, and I catch mice and bugs even though I'm an indoor cat!

Smokey: Cuz I am smartr than any uf the kitties hear at The Purr-fect Place. I'm knot a fyter, I'm a thinker and the Webmistress of my syte. (I also gave Mr. Frass his idea for skule)

Mr. Sass A. Frass: I'm mighty cat bekuz I'm the Feline Ninja Master and hav a skule to teech uthr kitties to be powerful ninjas too!

Pooky: I may be young, but I rule the cathouse! I'm a mighty hunter, catching flies, bugs, and my favorite, catnip mousies. I have no fear, I even love water! Turn on the water (any water), and I'll be right in it!

Henry: I'm handsome, nice, and friendly. I also started the Back Fence Cat Club - which is a fun place for cats to visit!

Mugsy: I'm a mighty hunter, flies are my specialty! I like things smaller than me to chase, 'cause I'm a very nervous Nelly. My favorite thing to do is play fetch with my Meowmie, which I can do for hours if she'll let me.

Freya: I is a wonderfur Ace Reporter - and tells only the good noos.

Handsome Dude Sam: One handsome dude with an ATTITUDE!

Gypsy: Because I is the only girl kitty and I rule this house wif all the boy kitties!

Ziggy: Because I is the only kitty with a spot on my nose, here!

Otis: I rule my humans with a velvet paw. One meow and they rush to do my bidding! One purr or affectionate nudge and they're happy for hours! They give me the best food and the best place to sleep (their bed as a matter of fact)!

Felixcat: I'm brave, mean, and a great hunter..... mighty warrior cat..... meeeoooow, meeeooow... (in my dreams!)

Baghdad: I'm one macho cat. A ruff and tumble guy am I!

Jasspurr: I am a Jassy Kat!

Steviekins: I'm a mighty cat because I was once a big scaredy cat, but not anymore. I am now a real brave boy!

BooBoo: Because I iz furry furry handsome and am a sweetkitty. My fur is furry soft and I iz a good furbrother to my baby brofur Riley. I iz always good and treat my humans furry well.

Riley: Because I iz a naughty boy most of the time, but I'm soooo cute that meowmie always forgives me. My big brofur Booboo loves me a lot. I love to play in water and I love my furry toy mices and my meowmie and daddy lots!

Caesar: I look like a tiger (mackeral tabby) and am ferocious in protecting my mewmie and baby sister from bugs, leaves, and other foreign objects that try to enter our humble domain. I'm the first born kitty in the house, so I feel it's my job to be the protector... just ask my mewmie!

Cleo: I'm the sweetest of the two kitties in my house... Caesar is the protector, I'm the sweetheart. I love to cuddle with my mewmie and prrrr very loud. I also love to torment Caesar and pounce on him when he's not looking... he hates it when I do that! But I'm the baby of the family, don't ya know....

Holly Kitten: I'm a buff and tuff cat! I chase d*gs around and no mouse even has a chance if I'm near!

Rajah Purr: Mew, I'm well respected, I haf a Brown Mouse (and a black one too!) and I also haf 5 finches. And I am kewl!

Cody: Because I am! Meow...

Peep: I'm the Lion King in a household of 83 lives!

Griffey Okino: I was named after a mighty baseball player, so naturally I'm rather mighty myself! Don't ask my sisfurs, tho! They may be older, but I'm mightier!

Bosse: I rule at home!

Pergamond: Because I just AM and I make all the rules around here!

Hero: Because I can open my meowmie's desk drawers and drink out of a straw!

Polly: I save my human from invisible mice, rats and gremlins. Last month I slew a dangerous member of the styrofoam race, that was ready to pounce on my human. I gifted him the body. He was very pleased with me.

Buster: I'm the king of the roost and I am the mightyest bestest cat in the neighborhood. I keep all the cat strangers OUT of my backyard. I'm the mightiest cat indoors too, and I'm Top Cat on top of that!

Lady: I'm a mighty cat in my own quiet way. I'm not bold and brash, but I do things in a subtle way. Like making sure I eat all the cat food, and not leaving much for the other kitty. I sleep on top of my purrson's head, with my nose stuck in her ear, and purring. These are just a few examples of my mightyness.

Scratchie: I'm a mighty cat cuz I am a Kool tabby and I have a sister named Kit-kat and she's a tabby too! I can drink milk faster than a speeding furrball!

Tabby: I'm a mighty cat because I rule my hoomins and terrorize the d*gs! I can do anything, therefore I'm a mighty cat!

Spynke & Wea: You'll understand why we are mighty when you check out our webpage!

Buster Johnstone: I am mighty because I rule my house. My mommy does what I want her to do. Well most of the time. I'm not just a lay about cat. I have a job. I wake mommy up everyday!

Kaliway Okino: I just became Buddy's winkwink. He is a mighty cat and makes me feel like a mighty cat too!

Katbeary Okino: My brofur, Griffey, is a mighty cat and I am mightier than he is! I want the world to know!

Eric: I am a mighty cat because I eat and eat and eat. When I'm not eating, I'm sleeping, so I stay mighty.

Ernie: I'm a mighty cat because I have extra toes and they make my feet mighty big!

Alex: Because I can clear off mommie's dresser wif one leap and slide combination!

Ned: Just because I know I am!

Mrs. Wiggles: Iz mighty cuz I lik tu growl an skare hoomins!

Pouncer: Iz a mighty kittie cuz I lik tu smurgle wid effurybodi!

Queen Bubba: Because as my names states, I am the queen of this house!

Court Jester: Cuz I am what I am!

Princess Simone: Because I'm the sweetest most adorable kittie in the world!

Southern Comfort: I am the oldest of four kitties and I rule 3 humans and two woofs. I'm a member of the BFCC and the CLAW.

Sambuca: I am a member of the BFCC and the CLAW. I'm the second oldest and I catch all the bugs in the house. Mommy says I'm a great hunter even though I can't go out.

Mary Jayne Elizabeth: I am a member of the BFCC and the CLAW. I'm the ONLY girl other than Mommy and 1 woof. I am the cutest kitty in the whole world, my Daddy and my Uncles tells me that ALL the time!

Tequila: I'm a member of the BFCC and the CLAW. I'm the youngest of four kitties. Mommy found me in a paper bag outside the mall and took me home. I really like playing on the PC as the "mouse" is fun to chase!

"Baby" the Wonder Kitty: I may be a small "Baby", but I sure do know how to intimidate the bigger kitties in my neighborhood!

Tab: Because my daddy said I am!

Lude: Because my meowmee says I am!

Kiki: I'm mighty becuz I am the Queen of my houze. I likes to keep my hoomans in line and make all the rules.

Queen Buttercup: I'm a mighty cat because I have a husband and a little boy. His name is Prince White Paw. My husbands name is King Midnight. I'm very helpful and love to work and take classes.

Megan: Because I'm a Persian, I eat shrimp, and I can't stand the canine!

Cali: Because I am cute!

The Kelly Katz: It would take us FOREVER to purrr about that! Our webpage tells some of it, though!

Elizabeth QE2: I'm a gorgeous red Persian. Other cats worship me and follow me everywhere. I rule 8 other cats in my house with just a look or a mighty hiss. People adore me too!

Lucky: I'm just like all my other mighty friends that like to run and play with my toy mice and watch the birds out the window and protect my house if anyone gets on my property.

Coal: I actually run the house and take good care of my owner when she's sad I lick her tears away and make her smile and I talk to her alot if something's bothering me. And I made the Hastings Tribune on Halloween with my owner the front page! I'm a black cat and I think I bring lots of good luck to everybody's life.

More Mighty Meowsketeers!

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