Coca-Cola: I was the first one to move here and I am the boss of all the cats.

Sprite: I'm just a laid back cat and nothing bothers me.

Fresca: I have my own special way of knocking at the door and my owners let me in.

Fanta: I just kind of do my own thing...

Fruitopia: I'm a cute little angel!

Daisy: I'm almost 18, but I look like I'm 10 thanks to diet, exercise, and plenty of beauty naps. I'm outrageous and outspoken and I've got one heck of a meow. I just refuse to use it when I know my mom is trying to record a wav to put on my site.

Mattilda: I'm not only a mighty cat, but a super cat! I come to the rescue for putting smiles on disabled childrens' faces by giving them kissies and super mighty head butts. I also work with my companion at a local animal shelter, where I help my feline friends get homes. I also speak on prevention of cruelty to animals. I love my job!

Patches: I rule the house from the doorknobs down!

Blomkvist: I'm a Swedish "bond-cat"!

Tobias Nathanial: I am not a furry big cat, and I'm not a furry smart cat. But I am a furry furry loud cat! Whenever I "MEOW", my meowmie comes running. That is why I am a mighty cat.

Alexis Reya: I am very big, and wherever I decide to go, that is where I get to stay. Nobody tries to move me. I think they are all scared of me!

Mystery: I'm a mighty cat because I rule my house. I don't let those humans rule me, they do what I say. (And it's nice!)

Kitty: I rule my house!

Elizabeth: I am a mighty cat simply because all cats are mightier than d*gs. I am a very mighty cat! Aren't we all?

Thomas: Because I am a big orange tabby. I eat alot and I love to be in charge!

Chops: I am a purebreed siamese and won't let any other cats into this house! I am king of this castle!

Squeeky: I'm a mighty cat cause' I always walk across the keyboard when my owners are typing they hate it! Also when they have just finished washing clothes I lie on them! I stick up for my little sisfurr. She's mighty by keeping the owners happy!

Ginger: Because I always allow my owners to rub my tummy! *hehehehe!*

Allison, Duchess of Yowl: My name is Allison, Her Meezerness, the Duchess of Yowl. I'm a beautiful Chocolate Point Siamese. As a meezer, I am eligible to be a member of the Siamese Internet Cat Club SICC. There my friends and I star in great adventures and have a lot of fun. My meowmmy says I'm a mightycat because I can make her do anything I want with just the right look!

Zazu: I'm a mighty cat because my human made a town thing around her house and named it "M(Mallory's)K(Kitty)C(Country)" and made me King!

Thai Ping: I am an oversized, cuddly, lap slug of a blue point Siamese male who loves his kids very much.

Will-O'-the-Wisp: I am an delicate, cuddly, blue point Siamese female who loves her furperson very much.

Chani Tailchaser : Other than the fact that I look like a soccer ball with legs screwed on...and can merely squash all my opponents by sitting on them, I can't think of anything!

Boncuk: I always get stuck on the roof!

Oliver: I am cute, loveable, and very persistent when I want something. Not to mention, how well I have my humans trained!

Tigger: I'm an Honorary Student of Mr. Frass'. What could be mightier than that? Besides Queen Claudie that is....

Tommy the Tiger: I just AM! I can't explain it any better than that. I'm 15 pounds of lean, mean mousing machine!

HRH Claudie: I'm the Queen of the Cats of course the mightiest title of all!

Frisky: I rule my house! Actually, I rule the neighbourhood! I'm not afraid of d*gs! Actually, I clawed a part of Cinnamon's eye out! (Cinnamon is the d*g in the family!)

Buddy Nixon: I try to be a mighty cat, but my brother Aston and my mommy keeps taking care of me. I'm really better than Aston. He thinks that he's the best but really I am... I just let him think that he is!

Aston Nixon: I'm a mighty cat cause I help take care of my brother Buddy. And I help my Mommy take care of the house (most of the time I just sit on the TV and make sure that Buddy stays out of things). And I help my Mommy brush her hair....I'm a good kitty!

Captain KittyHawke: I am a great sea Captain and Dread Pirate. I'm a Siamese of Noble Parentage, and have 5 wives in different ports of the world! I live on an Island called Whidbey in Puget Sound, WA. USA. I argue with seagulls and eat salmon bigger than myself. With dramatic bow, I greet you!

Queen Daphine: I am the Lilac Lovely daughter of Captain Hawke, and I RULE HIS LIFE! I live on the Island of Whidbey too, but I am above the rabble and only notice the bald eagles. I could fly if I wanted, but it wouldn't be fair! I see invisible things you?

Princess: I am a mighty cat because I am a ghost! I live in my humans hearts for the past 3 years. I am beautiful, have snow white fur and emerald green eyes. I'm frisky, somtimes snobby, and very passionate. I am an everlasting presence.

Willycat: Cuz my meowmy sez so! And my daddy gets mad cuz I wake him up all the time and my sister Patches lets me be the boss!

Snoopy: I hiss and spit when my people pull nasty tricks on me (like taking me to the vet).

Friend: I guard my backyard. Can't trust the dog to do it.

Little Kitty: I run the neighborhood! Not a cat crosses into my territory with out my permision!

Shadow: Because I can purr my way into anyone's heart!

Bandicoot: 'Cause I'm so darn cute!

Kieva: I am a black cat and I was born on Halloween! I am also a champ at taking down my older brofurs!

Silven: I am furry good at playing twixs on my homans!

Jarod the Siamese Pretender: I live with Capitan KittyHawke and Queen Daphine, and I'm mighty because I'm very smart. I got lost from my parents, and can't remember who they are, but I pretend I'm a Siamese, like my pals in my new home. I chirp at the birds, and pretend I'm one of them too! I like new toys and sweet treats. I look like a Siamese with white feet and a striped tail. I keep all the buzzy flies, that get in, out of the windows ...they R quite tasty!

Kitty Kins: I rule my house! I chase mice! I scare the wabbit to death! My best furrend is Frisky, and because he's so mighty, I've learned from him!

The Cathouse Gang: We are ALL mighty cats because we were strays and we found and adopted these two wonderful meowmies who take really good care of us. They built us our own air conditioned, heated "cathouse" with condos, toys and a protected play yard.

Chopin: 'Cause I'm big an' heavy an' strong an' fat!

Kaitlin: I'm a mighty kitty 'cause I have FeLV an have been very sick twice in the past year, and even needed a blood transfusion once, but now I'm healthy and happy!

Kerouac: I'm mighty 'cause I have 3 extra toes and 3 extra claws on each front foot.

Coltrane: I'm a mighty kitty 'cause I'm healthy and strong an' very very cute!

Spice: I scratch alot!

Daphne: I get petted alot.

Alicia: I am a mighty cat because I love cats and they love me. I am a true cat owner and lover!

Katt: I'm the mightiest cat there is! I chase down rats and mice, tell the d*gs who's boss, and I can lick every drop out of a milk bowl! Yeah, it takes a mighty cat to do that! (lapping all of the milk out of a milk bowl is a very important duty ya know!)

Bonnie: I'm purrty old and been around humans fur a long time. My mrawr is the purrfect attention getter! Loud and loooong!

Dazy: Becauz I am purrrfect! I am the best of the best!

Brittany: My meowmie fixes me a place of my own. My sister, Bullie and my cousin, Daisy Blythe are very jealous of me and won't let me come out into the livingroom. They chase me back into the bathroom.

Ebonie: I'm a mighty cat because I've finally learned how to tolerate those two cats whom my mommies fiancee brought here. I tried very hard to ignore them and hiss but they keep coming back and wanting to play, I guess I just have to be a good oldest kitty and let them play with me! Plus all of my brothers look up to me being the other girl you know, I rule the house!

As: Because I'm very helpful and brave cat! Meow....

Molly Sue: I am a mighty cat because I put up wif two bratty kitties efurryday! They fink they are my sisters, but I seem them as eminnies! MEOW!

Kricket Boo: I'm just a good girl, but in this world of overwhelming temptations, I think that makes me a MIGHTY cat!

Ginger Boo: I's dust a widdle gerwul, but I's da kootest in da werwold!

Monday: I obtain food without labor, shelter without confinement, and love without penalties. Well, the human writer W. L. George said that about all cats but it's especially true of me!

Baby: I can jump from balcony in my apartment complex!

Casper: I laze about all day in my mom's bed on her pillows & she loves me best even though I have 2 brothers. I am solid white with green eyes & weigh 22 pounds.

Spooky: I'm Spooky & am solid black in color (except for an occasional white hair on my neck) I love to lay on my mommy's pillows when Casper's big ole self isn't there (I usually beat him to it) My mommy loves me best she just tells Casper she loves him best so his feelings aren't hurt!

Jo-Jo: I'm dad'a "baby". I don't take no guff from my little brothers Casper & Spooky. Mom's alright cuz she gives me food but I love my dad the best! Mom rescued me from a shelter. She said she wanted to bring home more of those other kitties but dad said 3 wuz enuff. I keep hearing Mom say one day when he's at work she'll go back! I love my new house & I love dad's pillows. Course Casper & Spooky are so busy fighting over Mom's they don't even realize Dad's pillows are there too!

Snuggles : I'm gorgeous, smart, active, a darling, and most of all I'm Snuggles! Need I say more?

Cocoa: Cause I love my fellow friends! MEOW!

Cookie: I'm a beautiful and friendly cat in the neighborhood. All the cats in the world are scare of me but I'm still very nice and gentle. A lot of male cats are in love with me!

Simba: I'm a mighty cat cuz I take good care of my humans. I bring home prezents, give 'em attenshun if they've been good, and I teached 'em da rite way to take care of a cat!

Bas: I am a big black and white cat. And I mean BIG! I'm the ruler of the house.

Dotty: I'm the oldest of the group. So they have to respect me!

Kleintje: I'm the cutest of the group!

Hans: I have the longest tail of the group!

Wim: All who see me think I'm cute!

Guus: I'm a siamese so I'm mighty!

Koos: I'm the youngest siamese of the group. I think I'm mighty!

George: Because I braved the d*ggy!

Simon: I can jump high and can get rat's scimple.

Jennifer: All cats are mighty!

Moriss: I am a memfur of CLAW.

Gizzmo: Because along with my brother Leo, I rule the house in which I live! I'm especially mighty because I can run faster than my brother, so he can never catch me when he's mad at me! Sometimes I tease him and then run real fast (tee hee!). Another reason I'm mighty is because I'm a "girl kitty". Everyone knows women are mighty!

Tiny Pyke: Because even though I'm small, my "sister" Puffy is my slave!

Puffy Pyke: I'm good at hunting cockroaches and grasshoppers!

Priscilla: I'm a Mighty Meowsketeer becuz I'm the Queen of the house and I am gettin my own syte attached to my human's. I also have protected more kitties!

Ninja: I am a mighty good sleeper! I also take care of my slaves.. er hoomans, when dey feels low. I run dis joint cept nobody knows it!

Mrs. Blodgett: I mighty good at gettin outta Ninja's way when she is on da warpath bout sumpin! Meowmie tells me I am her sweetheart. Good, I got her fooled!

Brachlea: Until dis here peoples founded me I had to stay alive in da woods all by meself! I had to be brave and strong to fight of the spookies dat sceered me in da night! I glad I gots a house now!

Sachet: I keep meowmie company when she is working on da compooter. I also play wif da d*g. I tinks I deserves a medal for dat!

Mr. Pudley: I'se a mighty big sceerdy cat - have some nervous problems from when I was throwed away in da graveyard - wouldn't dat make you nerbous too? I have a good home now... lots to eat and lots more loves!

Reepecheep: Cause I love my owner and sitting on her lap purring while she's on the computer.

Giddeon: I haf a great purrrsonality and I luv to fetch my mouse. I keep my mommy company when my daddy works all day.

Maggie: I share a webpage with my brover and he's the greatest. I like to wake my mommy up every morning at 7am. Sleeping in the bathroom sink is my favorite place to hide.

Shadow: I run things around here, that's why. If it weren't for me keeping things straight in this household, there's no telling what sort of chaos might break out!

BabyCat Milliken: Because I'm the ruler of my large household, but mostly because I am the ruler of my mewmiew's heart!

Kismet: I really really like to pounce!

Wanna share why you're a mighty cat?

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