McKenzie's Mint

Wood Bar


These awards are listed in the order they were received.

Steps in Time Award of Excellence

"For showing an investment of time, thought, courtesy, creativity,
attention to detail and a desire to preserve and make available
your family history for others."

Awarded April 16, 1998
Thank you, Virginia.

Wood Bar

Gracie's Family Tree Award

"This award is for all those out there with great sites;
for those who have put their 'heart and soul'
into their sites and are truly 'great.' "

Awarded April 22, 1998
Thank you, Gracie.

Wood Bar

JLC's Award

"This award is given to web sites which are outstanding
in content, design & are safe for all ages to view."

Awarded April 27, 1998
Thank you, JLC.

Wood Bar

Willow Bridge Inn Award

"Willow Bridge Inn Award "

Awarded May 11, 1998
Thank you, Theresa.

Wood Bar

Creativity Award

This award is given to sites that are well done and easy to navigate -
that do not have lots of images copied from other pages, are responsive (not slow),
and most importantly, have good information.

Awarded August 8, 1998
Thank you, Cre@tive / Crew.
(I love this graphic!)

Wood Bar

Angel's Award of Excellence

" Angel Safe Award "

Awarded November 9, 1998
Thank you, Angel.

Wood Bar

Daring Kitten Award

"Daring Kitten Award"

Awarded June 20th, 1999
This award was presented to me by the Paint Shop Pro Interactive Zone (PSPIZ) for having participated in thirteen weekly Graphics Challenges. I'm very pleased with this award, because it's a symbol of my addition to a group of folks who have belonged to and participated in the PSPIZ Challenges for a significant period of time. The fine people who frequent the challenge forum are a group of great folks who care about improving their graphics skills and are willing to share their tips, tricks and serendipitous discoveries as well as their values, ethics and compliments. I've learned a great deal there and tried to share my discoveries with them as well.

Wood Bar

PSPIZ Hall of Fame Award

"PSPIZ Hall of Fame Award"

Awarded 19th of December, 1999
I qualified for this award on the 19th of December, 1999 after participating for 26 weeks in the PSPIZ weekly Challenge. My reward at that time was to have a gallery of my images posted at PSPIZ. Many of the images I have on these pages are also in the Hall of Fame, but posted in a very different manner. If you'd like to see them, you can go look at my Hall of Fame showcase. Don't forget to come back, though. On the 5th of February, 2000, the beautiful award above was created, and was presented to me by the PSPIZ challenge coordinator.

Wood Bar

Heartland Select

Wood Bar

This Web Site designed and maintained by
J. L. McKenzie (
Last Updated: April 4, 2000

COPYRIGHT © 1998-2000 J. L. McKenzie

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"Don't ever save anything for a special occasion.
Every day you're alive is a special occasion."