Clifton Ahnentafel
Larimore Ahnentafel
McKenzie Ahnentafel
Myers Ahnentafel
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I've posted information about my ancestors on separate pages in the form of Ahnentafel charts. If you're looking for a particular surname, check below to see if that name is listed on one of my other pages. To make your search easy, try typing "Control F" to pop up your "Find" box, and type in the name you're looking for.

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You might even find something to help you out on one of my other pages, so stick around awhile, take your time, explore, enjoy yourself, and let me know what you think.


Gold Bar

Clifton Ahnentafel My Clifton Family Ahnentafel Including ANGELL, Bartholomew, Beauclerc, Berenger, Billung, Caldwell, CANADAY, Capet, Cecil, CLAYPOOL, CLIFTON, d'Heristal, de Courtenay, deBOHUN, Dever, FITZ-ALAN, Goushill, GUM, Harrington, Henson, Kendrick, Langdon, Lenna, Martel, Metcalfe, Perrygrew, PLANTAGENET, Quarles, Rookes, SHEARER, SHEPARD, Taillefer, WINGFIELD, Wyrick.
Larimore Ahnentafel My Larimore Family Ahnentafel Including AUGHENBAUGH, BERRY, CARSON, Conway, Dice, DOYLE, Forsythe, FULKS, GANAWAY, Gault, HALES, Harter, Heilman, Henkel, HOLLAND, HUBBARTT, KINTNER, Lamb, LARIMORE, Lee, LORTON, McKENZIE, Mohr, Morgan, NICHOLS, Poole, REED, Schmeltzer, Schmidt, Shuler, Simon, Southern, TAYLOR, WEST, Wildt and WRIGHT.
McKenzie Ahnentafel My McKenzie Family Ahnentafel Including McKENZIE, McKINZIE, Graves, HOUCHIN, LARIMORE, MARTIN, PATTERSON, SINCLAIR, SPENCER and WADE.
Myers Ahnentafel My Myers Family Ahnentafel Including Abt, Arnold, BARNETT, Barthel, Baumgartner, Boels, Bowe, Buchers, Buergin, Buess, Burwell, Buser, CLIFTON, Daegen, DšRinger, Edwards, Elbert, Ellett, Farr, Frey, Frey, Fritsch, Gangloff, Gerrard, Grieder, Gryf, Gysin, Haegler, Haegler, Heid, Hšckel, Imhof, INGLES, Kebble, Keyser, Keyser, Lewis, Lobstein, Luedin, Luedin, Lutz, Mangold, Marshall, MARTIN, McCARTNEY, MELTON, Meyer, Mills, Moler, MOORE, MYERS, Newton, Nickson, Nixon, Oberer, Palmer, Parkes, Pfarr, PFRIMMER, Pownall, Pratteler, PRICE, Rufflin, Salsbury, Schaeffer, Schaeublin, Schaub, Schaub, Schweitzer, Schwiezer, SENN, Shearer, Spillmann, Stahel, Strub, Sutter, Syffert, Tschudin, Velt, Voegtlin, Von Arx, Wagner, WEBB, Welsh, WHITE, Worth, Worth, Wuerz and Zimmer.
Photos Some of My Ancestors' Photos
My DAR Chapter The Bill of Rights Chapter, NSDAR: My DAR Chapter


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J. L. McKenzie
Last Updated: July 20, 2001

COPYRIGHT © 1998-2001 J. L. McKenzie
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Heaven can be yours just for now."
Gordon Lightfoot

Heartland Genealogical Society