Here are a few awards that I have won.  I sorta gave up on submitting my site, cuz there were soooo many sites that were so much better.  But here are some awards that I did receive.  I am still working on finding the addresses as I have a new computer and the addresses are "somewhere" on another computer. 


Awards received in 1997

In 1997 I got started making web pages.  They were as good as anybody else who just started making web pages, well, maybe as good as the next beginner.   Some of these awards were probably given cuz they felt sorry for me.  As I got better, probably in 1998, this year, I got inspired to start applying for a couple of awards.


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1998 forward


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October 27, 1998.  I have never received accolades that I received when I applied for this award.  Boy, did I get the big head!  Thank you Eightball!


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October 31, 1998  I really like orchids and tulips.   Touching them to my lips is so silky and soft; not to mention the beauty of them.   Thank you for the award.

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October 31, 1998.  So what more could I ask for?  both orchids AND tulips!  Thank you so much for seeing my page worthy.

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November 1, 1998.  What can I say.  All I did was steal the award, e-mail Davidhouse that I stole it and they sent me the code.  Soooo, if you really, really, really want an award go to his site!


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11/6/98.  Cute, heh?  Wanted this award cuz it is a cute one.  They said my page had originality.  Thankyou for the compliment and the award.


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11/16/98  Congratulation! You have been chosen for the Web Creation's Award Winner.  I have been visited your web site and found it to be fantastic, very well designed. I really enjoy visiting.


Frontpage Stars Award Winner

11/30/98 - Great site Paula! You've been awarded the FrontPage Stars Award.  Now as much as I struggle with FrontPage, this is a good award!   Thankyou

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12/1998 - She said she has watched my site continue to get better.  Thankyou!


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2/7/1999 - Now this one is really special cuz I did not apply for it.  She surfed in and just liked it; now THAT's an award, right!


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May 26, 1999 - This is another of those more than special awards, because it was not applied for; she just stopped by and like my site; what could be better?  Thankyou


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