Poetry & Articles
Sue Ann

These poem and article pages have music and graphics.
All the verses were written when Sue Ann was very young.
I kept the papers all these years.
The music you hear is very special to me and my husband.
Sue Ann and Rob gave us tickets to the Fox Theatre in Atlanta
to see the broadway hit "Cats" for our 32nd wedding anniversary.
The song "Memory" came from that production.
As an added blessing, they were home from Florida to go with us.
Please give each page time to load.
I hope to add some of her latest writings soon.
Click on the name of the poem or article below to read.

Sue Ann

"Prayer in School"


"My Little Oak Tree"

"Poetry Collection"

"Love Is"

All of the works printed here are covered
under a copyright held by my daughter, Sue Ann.
None of these works may be copied, printed, or
otherwise distributed without prior written permission.

The Pathway of Hope     Prayer, Praise and Salvation


Please right click on the note if you wish to stop the music


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