The Wind Beneath My Wings

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We want to welcome you to Amarillo, Texas. This is OUR LITTLE CORNER OF THE WORLD. Amarillo is a small city of about 167,000 people. There are over thirty elementary schools, eight middle schools, and four main high schools. Also provided are different alternative schools as well as a strong emphasis in educating students with special needs within the public school setting if at all possible. Amarillo also provides many private schools for families seeking this type of education. Amarillo is also home to a very large medical complex which houses many opportunities for those in surrounding areas as well as Amarillo itself. There is a very nice civic center as well as fair grounds. Amarillo just recently built a 16 screen movie complex and has plans for another one in the near future. Also housed in Amarillo, is Amarillo College, a two-year college providing many educational opportunities for those seeking after high school training. Amarillo provides religious opportunities for all who live here. It is truly a unique CORNER OF THE WORLD in which to live.

Above you see a scene from Palo Duro Canyon. It is located just about 15 miles from Amarillo. It is sometimes called Amarillo's little Grand Canyon. Like the Grand Canyon, it was formed by water and wind erosion over a long period of time. It is a very winding drive to get down into it, but once you are down in the canyon it seems like you are in another part of the world. There are no city noises to distract you. A wonderful place for picnics, horseback riding and the like. Each summer the musical TEXAS is performed in an amphitheater with the canyon walls as a backdrop. It is truly a must for anyone visiting this area.

First in OUR LITTLE CORNER OF THE WORLD you will find Mark and Lynda. Mark and Lynda have been married for 17 years last March. Neither are native Texans, as both were born in Oklahoma.

Mark is a Social Studies teacher at a high school here in Amarillo. He has been a teacher for 21 years. Mark has also served in the Air Force before starting his teaching profession. He spent many of his younger years in Venezuela so thus is very fluent in the Spanish language. He also has a teaching certificate in this area. His favorite music is the joropo music of South America. It is a very special harp that is played in many of the South American countries and has a very different sound from the harp we hear in the North American symphonies. Mark enjoys reading and also likes chatting on ICQ as well as POWWOW.

Lynda, is wife, mother and retired scool teacher. Before retiring from teaching, she taught in the field of deaf education for 29 years. During her teaching profession, she taught a variety of levels, from preschool through high school. At present she is really enjoying being just wife and mother without the pressures of the job. Lynda enjoys classical, gospel and some pop music. As you will see later she will be sharing some of her favorite recipes with you on her recipe page. She also enjoys chatting on ICQ and POWWOW and making new friends from all over the world. In the last few months Lynda has become interested in Beanie Babies and has started buying, selling and collecting. Yes like many she is now addicted to these lovable little creatures.

The third person in OUR LITTLE CORNER OF THE WORLD is Jessica. Jessica is our 15 year old daughter. She is a freshman at Amarillo High School, and is very involved in chior as well as private voice lessons. She just recently received her learner's permit to drive, and we are having fun teaching her with this project. She also enjoys working in the nursery at church. Since she has just started school when I write this, she really hasn't decided what is going to be her favorite subject this year.

Last, but by no means least are Patches and Annie. These are the two cats in our family. But I must say, and anyone who owns a pet knows, that an animal in the family is much more than that. They become a regular member of the family. We adopted Patches and Annie from the SPCA here in Amarillo. They are mother and daughter, Patches being the mother. They were not treated very well by their previous owner, so it took them awhile to trust, especially Patches. She stayed under the bed in the guest bedroom for about the first two weeks. She would stay under in the daytime and come out and sleep on top of it at night. One day, I guess she finally decided it was safe to come out, and is truly a very loving cat as is Annie. They both sleep with us at night, love to play with their toys, especially their mouse on a string, and they definitly know when it is treat time. If they get too impatient for their treats they will crawl into the cabinet where they are kept and try to get them. In fact, just today we came home only to find a package of beef treats taken from the cabinet to the place where they eat and opened. Perhaps they were trying to tell us it was better than their cat food. Our whole family is crazy about cats, as you will see more about Patches and Annie and other info on cats on my cat page. So hope that you go their and enjoy it as well.

I hope you have enjoyed meeting our family and have learned a little more about us. May God Bless each and every one of you that comes to visit us here. Be Happy.


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