Merry Christmas!


Hello and welcome to my Christmas Kitchen! I am so glad you stopped by! Christmas is coming up on us quickly, and we have to start planning our menus and decorating soon...Can you believe it?! This section was created for those like me who like to plan early.

Sometimes we lose sight of what Christmas is about, with all the hustle and bustle of shopping and cooking to prepare for the holiday. Hopefully you will find some tips and ideas here to make this season go a little more smoothly so you can concentrate on the religious aspect as well.

While your family is sure to do something different, everyone has traditions, and these are ours...

Christmas in my family is huge. Christmas Eve is always at my house, where I serve the traditional Italian seafood meal after church. For years I served Zuppa de Pesce, but after years of injuries opening up clam shells, I went to just simple pasta with a seafood sauce. 1997's meal consisted of many things: shrimp cocktail, penne with shrimp, stuffed mushrooms, broiled scallops, stuffed calamari, salad, Italian bread and home made cookies (made with my children, of course!). 1998's menu is posted below. I have yet to decide this year's menu.

Christmas morning brings mom's sausage pie (my variation of it) and tons of gifts. While we devour the pie, the kids open their presents, and I read my new cookbooks for the year. Then it's off to mom and dads where they have created another gourmet feast that will last for hours. Usually we open with homemade lasagne or ravioli, then its the basics...turkey, fresh ham or game, and a ton of side dishes, with dessert and black coffee not far behind.

1998's Christmas Eve Menu:
Patti's Clam Dip
Calamari Salad
Shrimp Cocktail
Seafood and Calamari Sauce
Stuffed Mushrooms
Stuffed Calamari
Marinara Sauce with Linguine
Homemade Italian Bread
Fresh Tossed Salad

Many thanks to the wonderfully talented graphic artists that I borrowed from. Without whom, this page would never have been created. A special thanks to Kris of Dreamcatcher Graphics for all of her help and wonderful graphics.
Side Dishes
Main Dishes
Craft Ideas


Take a Christmas Quiz.
You'll be surprised at the answers!

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Dreamcatcher Graphics