Merry Christmas!

Hello and welcome to my Christmas Kitchen! If you are like me, you bake different kinds cookies until they come out of your eyes and ears!! I know I cannot be alone in my quest for the largest array of cookies ever seen on one holiday table!

I have my own cookie baking tradition..every year I go through my dozens of cookbooks, the folders of recipes I have printed from the web, my compiled list on MasterCook, and recipes sent to me from friends. Yes, it takes me days to go through all of them, but I HAVE to have a variety, don't you? From this mass of cookie recipes I choose a lucky dozen or so to grace our table and to be boxed up as gifts. Since my family loves food, and as we have a rich ethnic heritage, I always include ethnic cookies even if they aren't from our ethnic background. Of course, I have my favorites, and they appear year after year.

Our other cookie tradition are the kids...Yes, I am brave, but all 3 of my young children participate in this, choosing which cookie they want to bake from the finalists. How about the pets? Can't forget them, can we? They put up with us all year long and they deserve a treat as well! How about dog biscuits? You'll find that recipe here, too.

Now, on to the mouth watering recipes....

Those with an * indicates my favorites

Amaretto Bars Biscotti Butter-Nut Sugar Cookies Chocolate Peanut Bars Christmas Surprises Candy Cherry Cookies Christmas Ginger Cookies Dog Bones * Holiday Chocolate Almond Bars Lebkucken Lemon Coriander Crescents * Maple Shortbread Bars Mrs. Fields Pumpkin Spice Cookies Oatmeal Lace Cookies * Orange Cranberry Cookies * Patti's Anise Cookies * Springerle * Swirled Mint Cookies * Thumbprints White Chocolate Chip Macadamia Cookies White Christmas Crinkles

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