Lyric Quotes (E)

The Eagles

Every form of refuge has it's price."
-Take it Easy

“Don't you draw the queen of diamond's, boy,
She'll beat you if she's able,
You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet.
Now it seems to me some fine things,
Have been laid upon your table
But you only want the ones you can't get.”

Faith Evans

"If I could
with you I would
be forever,
forever in love."


"You do what you do
you say what they say
you try to be
everything to everyone."
-Everything to Everyone--submitted by shellbell

"You are blind to the fact
that the hand you hold
is the hand that holds you down."
-everything to everyone

"Here is the money that I owe you,
so you can pay the bills.
I will give you more
when I get paid again.
I hate those people who love to tell you
money is the root of all that kills.
They have never been poor,
they have never had the joy
of a welfare xmas."
-I Will Buy You a New Life--submitted by Monica

"you say you wake up crying,
yes and you don't know why.
You get up and you go lay down
inside my baby's room.
i guess i'm doin ok.
Moved in with the strangest guy.
Can you believe
he actually thinks
that I am really alive?"
-I Will Buy You a New Life--submitted by Monica

"I will buy you a garden,
where your flowers can bloom.
I will buy you a new car,
perfect shiny and new.
I will buy you that big house,
way up in the west hills.
I will buy you a new life. yes I will..."
-I Will Buy You a New Life--submitted by Monica

"Yes, I know all about that other guy,
the handsome man with athletic thighs.
I know all about the time before,
with that obsessive little rich boy.
they might make you think you're happy,
yeah maybe for a minute or two,
they can't make you laugh
no they can't make you feel,
the way that I do..."
-I Will Buy You a New Life--submitted by Monica

"Father of mine
tell me what do you see
when you look back at your wasted life
and you don't see me."
-Father of Mine--submitted by shellbell

"Father of mine,
tell me how can you sleep,
with the children you abandon,
and the wife i saw you beat . . ."
-Father of Mine--submitted by Monica

"I refuse to be afraid of almost anyone,
afraid of all the things they do or the words that they say.
Let's live the way we want to live and hope they go away."
-white men in black suits

"I see you run around in circles
I see you digging your own hole
I see you fight the fights
you just can't win
I see you losing self control.
what it does to me
deep down inside I hope you will never know."
-Sunflowers--submitted by shellbell

"When you were a child,
you were happy and free.
You were my reason to live,
I would die when you smiled at me.
I can still see you
paintin' flowers on the wall,
I remember you happy,
I remember it all,
all I want to remember,
sunflowers in your room."
-Sunflowers--submitted by Monica

"Forget about our jobs at the record store
Forget about all the losers that we know
 Forget about all the memories that keep you down
 Forget about them
we can lose them in the sparkle and fade....Fall, glimmer, sparkle, and fade."

Everything But the Girl

"If you lose your faith babe, you can have mine,
and if you're lost I'm right behind you,
'cause we walk the same line."

"And to know yourself is to let yourself be loved."

"I wanna be addictive,
I wanna be secure,
I wanna wake up after the night before."


"If there's hell below, we're all gonna go."

* corrected

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Author: Sara
Last Updated: 8/12/99

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