*The Man in the Iron Mask

Aramis (Jeremy Irons): Some of this is legend, but at least this much is fact, when rioting citizens of France destroyed the bastille they discovered within it's records this mysterious entry: Prisoner #64389000--the Man in the Iron Mask.

King Louis XIV (Leonardo DiCaprio): Do not under estimate the Dutch!

King Louis XIV: Riots! But Paris is the most beautiful city in the world, why should my people
feel anything but pride and contentment? submitted by Mina

King Louis XIV: Who is that?
Franciouse: Raoul, the son of Athos.
King Louis XIV: Franciouse, your tastes may run to young soldiers, but I was referring to the beautynext to him.

D'Artagnan (Gabriel Byrne): A fool's blade is sharper than his brain.

King Louis XIV: Let us play a game. Let us pretend as if I am king and you are the captain of my musketeers. Let us behave as if my wish is law and my wish D'Artagnan is to enjoy this party.

King Louis XIV: Christine, isn't it? I would have thought it was impossible, but I do believe the
excitement of this whole chase has made you even more beautiful.
Christine: Sire, I... Thank you. I'm...
King Louis XIV: You blush. You do not wish to look beautiful for your king?
Christine: No, sire. I mean, yes. Yes, of course, sire. I mean, that you are...
King Louis XIV: It's all right, I understand that you're not accustomed to these surroundings, but
that is a condition we can happily remedy. One such as you would fit nicely as a lady in waiting.
Christine: His majesty is...is very, very kind, but I'm engaged to Raoul...or will be when he
manages to ask me.
King Louis XIV: You would choose a soldier. A soldier, who has not yet proposed above a king?
Christine: I could only be faithful to my heart.
King Louis XIV: But how faithful is that heart to you?

Athos: Has there been some kind of disaster?! Has everyone else been called back??!!
Raoul (looks distressed): I-I believe the kings eye has fallen on Christine. submitted by bandaid

Athos (John Malkovich): The king is a dog! A dog and a coward.
Raoul: But I am neither and so I go.

D'Artagnan: I have not yet lost faith that he may become the king we all wish him to be.

Girl: You were right, a woman has never known love, until she has known the love of a king.
King Louis XIV: I'm hungry.
(he gets up and puts on his robe)
Girl: I'll have some food brought?
King Louis XIV: Oh, I like to eat alone. By the way you'll be leaving tomorrow. submitted by
Karen + Kim

D'Artagnan: You are constantly surrounded by beautiful woman. Do you love any of them?
King Louis XIV: Quite frequently actually. submitted by Alesha
D'Artagnan: And they love you? How do you know that when a women gives you her most intimate embrace, that it is you and not your crown that she pulls to her heart?
King Louis XIV: You think my affairs are empty?
D'Artagnan: I think that it is possible for one man to love one woman all his life and be the better for her, yes.
King Louis XIV: You may be right. Perhaps, I haven't met a woman with a heart like my own...until recently.

D'Artagnan: And would that be Christine?
Louis: It is good that you watch me D'Artagnan, but I fear that you watch me too closely.
D'Artagnan: Did you send Raoul to the war so you would be free to pursue her?
Louis: Do you question my honor?
D'Artagnan: No I do not question your honor.  It's you I care about.
Louis: Raoul will return soon, you have my word. submitted by  Angelita

King Louis XIV: I'm a young king, but I am King.
D'Artagnan: Then be a good king.

King Louis XIV: The next time there are rioters, shoot them. submitted by Bandaid

King Louis XIV: You're so beautiful (kisses Christine).
Christine: I cannot do this.
King Louis XIV (kisses her on the shoulder): Christine, I hope you know that there is more to me to love, than a crown.

King Louis XIV: Of all the wonders I have seen. I've never looked upon anything as beautiful as

D'Artagnan: You cannot ask me to betray my king.

Aramis: Why are you so glum?
Porthos (Gerard Depardieu): I expected action, there was no killing. There was no fighting. I was useless!

Aramis: One day I will ask for your forgiveness...but not until I have restored you for what is yours.
Phillipe (Leonardo DiCaprio): Restored?
Aramis: We will replace Louis with Phillipe.
Athos: That, is your plan? Exchanging one for the other? Its ludicrous!
Aramis: I can assure you its brilliant. What did you imagine we were up to?
Athos: Revolution. Open war.
Aramis: Blood in the streets.
Porthos: But at least its a change.
Athos: Physical resemblance is but a beginning. Louis has an arrogance, a manner.
Aramis: Which can be adopted.
Athos: And people close to him.
Aramis: Do you imagine I've not considered that. That I've not considered everything.
Athos: Have you considered that it is not only our lives that you risk? It is Phillipe's as well?
Aramis: Yes and like us he has a choice. What about it Phillipe? All those years in prison waiting fornothing or have they given you reserves of strength unlike ordinary men. You have the chance to be a king, if you have the heart to take that chance. Do you have that heart, Phillipe?

D'Artagnan: Anne, I know that to love you is a treason against France, but not to love you is a
treason against my heart.
Anne of D'Autriche: Then we will both die treacherous, D'Artagnan.

Phillipe: I've been in prison for six years. You have freed me, but now you're asking me to enter
another prison.
Porthos: The palace is hardly a prison.
Phillipe: See those farm maids working there? See the one holding the lamb? I would tend lambs with her for the rest of my life.
Aramis: We're offering you a chance to be king.
Phillipe: No, you're offering me a chance to pretend to be king. A king that you hate.
Athos: Not everyone hates him.
Phillipe: Don't you? Why should I become him? Until you give a reason I won't do it. I cannot.

Christine: I love him, Louis. I love him still.
King Louis XIV: Still.
Christine: And in pretending to love you, I do something awful.
King Louis XIV: You pretend?
Christine: I have sinned against love and God for the sake of your mercy, which you would not have given me without my sin. I will burn in Hell, so will you.
King Louis XIV: No, no, no. No my love, you will burn in Hell, I will not. For I am King, ordained
by God! Submitted by Dani

Porthos: I love Paris! I love life!

Aramis: It is judgment day!

Athos: You have the heart of a king.

Christine: MURDERER!!!
Phillipe (as Louis): Christine.
Christine: I wrote to the front and of your seal. I wrote as you, demanding to know why the general disregarded the order to keep Raoul out of danger. He writes back, "But your Majesty, your last letter ordered me to place him at the vanguard of the assault just in front of the cannon." You killed Raoul. submitted by Meredith
[Christine is restrained by the king's men]
Phillipe (as Louis): Take your hands off her, you're hurting her. [whispers] However I have wronged you, I will make amends.

King Louis XIV: I was told this impostor was dead.
D'Artagnan: You knew? You knew there was a man of such resemblance?
King Louis XIV: He is my brother.
D'Artagnan: Brother?
King Louis XIV: My twin, my blood, the fact which has kept him alive until now.

Queen Anne: Louis, please.
King Louis XIV (pushes his mother): You were a part of this too, mother?
Queen Anne: He is your brother. I love you both.
King Louis XIV: And your love has meant nothing to either of us!
Phillipe: It has meant something to me.
[Louis hits Phillipe]

King Louis XIV: You will hunt down Porthos, Athos, and Aramis and bring me their heads...or I
will have yours.

King Louis XIV: And as for you my brother, back to the prison you shall go, and into the mask you hate! WEAR IT UNTIL YOU LOVE IT! And you die in it. submitted by WENDY

Porthos: I'd rather die covered in blood than an old man lying in my own piss.

Phillipe: I wear the mask. It does not wear me.

King Louis XIV: Charge them!

D'Artagnan: ...but if we must die, if we must die, let if be like this.
Athos: One for all, all for one.

[Phillipe and the four musketeers charge the gunmen with only their swords]
Gunsman: Magnificent valor!

Phillipe (speaking of D'Artagnan): You were the one in the mask.

*Corrected and in order.

More quotes from Leonardo DiCaprio's movies:
The Basketball Diaries The Beach Critters 3 Growing Pains The Man in the Iron Mask Marvin's Room
The Quick and the Dead Romeo + Juliet Titanic This Boy's Life Total Eclipse What's Eating Gilbert Grape


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Created by : Sara
Last Updated: 2-2-01
E-mail: KLAKSO@mn.rr.com