My name is Sharon and I am known to most of my web friends as Sierra or Shar. I live in Florida having moving here from Michigan in 1972. I guess you could say I am a transplant now as I have lived here for along time. Now I can no longer stand the cold Michigan winters so if I am fortunate enough to be able to travel, It will be in the summer or spring time. No snow, sleet or ice for this reborn Floridian I have a sister Susan, and three brothers Tony, Mark and Steve and their families all still live in Michigan. I also miss my Aunt Rita and all the cousins, nephews and neices. I was born and raised in Warren, Michigan. I miss Michigan only because my family is there but nothing else. I do miss the fall and the beautiful changing of the colors. But I do not miss the snow and ice one bit so I don't envy any of the snowbirds who live there. I am trying to talk them all into coming down here for a nice visit. I think the Florida air would do them good. My brother Steve and his wife Sheila and my brother Mark and his wife Sue and their growing family have made it down to visit. We really enjoyed the visit and am waiting for them to return again soon. That is the hardest part of living away from family is missing them especially during the holiday seasons as holidays were a big thing with our extended families.

I am married to a guy named Jack and we have been married 37 years. Soon to be 38 on June 24th of this year. I want to take this time to thank him for his patience and love and understanding that he has shown me. He has had to deal with alot this past few year. I don't know what I would do without him. I have some serious health problems and he has been there for me 100%. He is also my best friend. He never complain when I have to call out to him because I am unable to do so many of the things I took for granted when I was healthy. He is turning into quite a cook and I will never be able to cook as good as he does now now if I could only get him to do housework too and the laundry. :)

My oldest son John is currently in Afghanistan where he is stationed. He lives in Nevada with our grandsons Jakob and Nicholas and his lovely wife Heather. We miss having them closer but enjoy the times we do get to see the family. John is the one who got me interested in the computer and now I am addicted to it. John had lived in Germany for quite a few years so I am glad they are back in the states again. John recently graduated with his Bachelor of Science degree-Biology being his major. He also has taken some photography courses and he takes some beautiful pictures. I hope to display some in my online album soon

I now have a daughter who recently was added to our family. Our oldest son John married Heather on May 21, 2005. I have always wanted a daughter and this will be the closest I will ever get to having one. Heather fits right in with the rest of the family. We are so glad that she is now my daughter-in-law. John and Heather both seem very happy with each other. The wedding or should I say one of the weddings as they had one on the West Coast and one on the East Coast. I am unable to travel so they brought the wedding to me. I enjoyed planning it and everything turned out well.

My youngest son Craig lives in Georgia and is employed in the resturuant business and is also attending college in Atlanta. He doesn't get home as often as I would like but then he works all the time so has no time to come home. We do look forward to his yearly visit home for Christmas. I don't think Craig likes living that far away from family but he is very independent young man. He likes the big city and his hometown sure does not classify as that. He recently was awarded a scholarship for keeping a good grade average. He will be graduating in August from Georgia State College We are very proud of both our sons in all they do both academically and as a son.

Jakob Alan "Jake" has got to be the sweetest grandson in my world. Jake is 10 and attending fourth grade. He and his brother were here in the summer and we all really enjoyed the visit which went by much to fast for me. So I am really looking forward to this summer when he and Nick will visit with us. They grow up so fast. Jake's interest was insects and loves to talk for hours about them. Now he is into the planets and the universe. We can't wait until their next visit later this year. We have not seen them in two years

Nicholas is our second grandson and is 7 years old. He is quick to tell you that he is now in first grade. He is at that age where he is into everything. He is full of mischief but when he smiles at you, he melts your heart and sure tugs at the hearts strings. Nick loves music and I have thought about giving him a set of drums but that would be cruel t do to the parents

I have many interests, hobbies and many collections. I have been an Avon lady for over 20 years now. I am not as active in Avon now as I once was due to my health problems but still enjoy my customers and I like the products. I am an avid reader and always have a book sitting next to me. I have alot of favorite authors and love books by Nora Roberts, Danielle Steel, Catherine Anderson, Tim Dosey and many many more.I have enough books here in my office to open another bookstore and these are books that I have yet to read. I have books in almost every room of the house so I am always reading a chapter when ever I get the chance. I have lately got into audio books and can never find enough of them.

I guess you could call me a pack rat because I collect alot of things. My husband would tell you that I collect everything and I guess there is alot of truth in that statement. I collect anything that has to do with angels and fairies. I collect porcelain dolls, stamps,eggs . I have cabinets upon cabinets filled with my momentos and pretty soon we will have to build a house just for my collections. I do collect numerous other things, so lets just say if it's collectible, I probably collect it. I had been into collecting Beanie Babies but now only collect the bears. My pride and joy in the house is my curio cabinet that my husband got me for christmas which hold my many Avon awards and porcelain Albee's that I have acheived and earned over the years.

We live out in the country and we like it that way. It is just now starting to build up around the area but it is still out in the Boon Docks so they say. Close enough to town yet far enough a way too. We also have a minature Dauchaun we call Gizzmo. He is definitly spoiled rotten and his claimes anything in the house not up where he can't reach it. Check his picture out in my family album

I have a step-son Terry and his wife Pam who also live in Michigan with their three children Terry Jr, Coy and Carol. We don't get to see them often but daughter-in-law Pam keeps me updated on the family with pictures. We have four great-grandchildren, Courtney was born in Feb and is going on 4, Haylee is a 2 years , Arthur is 9 yrs-old and little Coy who just turned 1 yrs old. They are all adorable babies. I have another great grandbaby on the way now. Well The baby has arrived and the sonar gram said girl but the baby was an 8 pound 2 oz baby boy who we call J.R.

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