Keeping Your Rabbit Cool

Rabbits are designed for cool weather and have regular temperatures of 100 degrees F to 104 degrees F. For this reason, cool weather is not a problem, but hot weather is.

Rabbits should be kept in a cool but not damp place. Make sure that she is out of the sun. If your rabbits are confined to a cage or a small room for part of the day, make sure that you provide plenty of shady space, preferably in your bunny's favorite resting spot. This can be accomplished by placing towels over the tops of cages and on the sides, or by providing a cardboard box turned on its side.

To keep your rabbit cool, set up a circulating fan that will blow breeze past (not on) him all day. You can also drape a damp towel over the side of the cage so that the fan will blow through the towel and create cooler air. Also, you can place a ceramic tile or marble square in the cage in her favorite space for her to lie on, or you can fill soda bottles or milk jugs with water and freeze them. Then place them in your rabbit's cage, so he can lean against it to keep cool. You may want to place a few ice cubes in the rabbit's water crock. The water will stay nice, and your rabbit can lean against it. Another thing you can do is brush off excessive fur. If you have a long haired rabbit, consider getting his coat cropped short for the summer. Most importantly, keep your rabbit supplied with fresh vegetables. This will keep him hydrated. You may want to wet the vegetables first to keep them fresh longer and to give your rabbit more water.

If your rabbit feels hot (especially his ears) mist them. Rabbits dissipate heat through their ears, and misting them will help keep the rabbit cool. If your rabbit experiences heat stroke DO NOT submerge him in water. This may put him in shock. Instead, dampen his ears and body with cool water. Do not waste time. Take him to the veterinary or emergency clinic as soon as possible.

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