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The American Eskimo AKA The Dog Beautiful

Luke and Princess

The Star Wars saga continues with our beautiful American Eskimo dogs
Princess Leia and Luke Sky Walker of the Canine Episode. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the adventure!

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Packers Princess (Leia) is the daughter of Sierras Obe One Kenobi who is a breathtakingly handsome Grand Champion standard sized eskie out of Theresa Wright's American Eskimos. I have a 6 generation pedigree for Princess and WOW!... What a blood-line! Around Christmas time in 1998 we acquired a second eskie and following in the Star Wars theme, we named him "Luke Sky Walker"

They are both beautiful, Loving, and intelligent dogs and we are so lucky to have them in our family. They get along GREAT together and are sooooooo fun to watch. They will make excellent parents one day. Their Puppies would certainly be irresistible to anyone looking for a great pet... *WOOF* Opps! I mean 'Family Member' :-)


In Association with, the #1 online bookstore for customer selection and satifaction

We have books about American Eskimos, selecting the perfect dog, animal health and nutrition, rescue, breeding, dog shows, training, therapy assistance, humor, childrens books & videos about Dogs, and More! All at discount prices AND all proceeds will be donated to Heart Bandits Eskie Rescue Organization.

Website Design Rescue Fundraiser | Eskie Information Generator"

Click here to visit Princess Click to visit Luke

Packers Princess Leia and Luke Sky Walker

Click on their photos to visit their pages

Notice the difference in the faces even though they are both American Eskimos? This is actually due to the shape of the muzzle. Some people prefer the shorter muzzle or "teddy bear face" like Luke has and some prefer the more Nordic longer muzzle like Princess has. I like them both! One thing to take into consideration when deciding which face type you like best is that generally the shorter muzzle dogs tend to have "tear stains" and the longer muzzle dogs do not. Also when smiling (which is almost constant:-) I think that the shorter muzzle dogs teeth look more like fangs.


Click on the TV for the eskie video entertainment Channel!


You know you are beautiful and hard to resist, and use that fact to manipulate.
Who could say NO to those dark brown eyes, set deep... an eskie trait.

Then there's that grin, that adoring smile that says "I sure do love you!"
And that cute little tongue sticking partially out in a soft and pinkish hue.

When you snuggle up to me at night, your nose right under my chin,
I close my eyes and thank God for this little piece of heaven.

Your soft white fur keeps me warm as I slowly drift off to sleep.
Listening to your heart beat is even better than counting sheep.

I wouldn't trade you for anything and there's something else I know...
there is no sweeter love than that of my American Eskimo.

Written by Tina Packer - July 11th 1999 DreamPackers©1996-2004

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