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the Endangered Species Act?

Do your Congressmen share your views?
Eye On Congress
Keep an eye on Congress!

Knowing how your Senators and Representatives are voting on the issues is an important first step in helping threatened and endangered species. It is each individual's responsibility to insure that conservation and the environment are not being compromised by greedy politicians.Once you know how your elected officials are voting, then you will know how YOU should vote in the next election.  We, the people, hold the power - politicians merely hold office. 

You really can make a difference!

Click on the blinking eye to go to a query form so you can find out exactly what your Congressmen are doing in D.C., who is voting on what, and how they are spending your tax dollars. 

Click on FLOOR ACTIVITIES to stay apprised of the current Bills being voted on in Congress, who introduced them, and what each Bill contains. 

Click on VOTE SMART to learn facts on candidates & elected officials, including biographies, addresses, issue positions, voting records, campaign finances, and evaluations by special interests.

Do you know if pollutants are effecting your Community?

Click on SCORECARD to find out.  Learn what pollutants are effecting various communities in the U.S.  Enter your zip code, or click on one of the maps at that site to learn what known polluntants are effecting your area.

Earthwave Society is a nonprofit organization that advocates the prudent utilization of our planet's natural resources, and has focused its energies on informing and educating people around the world about important environmental issues - in particular, those issues which could have long lasting, detramental effects on entire ecosystems if left entirely to the discretion of industry-driven politics. Oftentimes industry is at the heart of Nature's woes, and industry which is driven by greed usually spells.....

Pollution, destruction of wetland habitats, mining, commercial overharvests, by-catch, construction of dams, and alteration of rivers are all major contributors to the continuing demise of certain fish and wildlife populations, of riverine habitat, and of our oceans and bays. These impacts can disrupt the delicate balance of ecosystems - ecosystems which are the very soul of our own existence. And friends, the situation is critical. 

YOU CAN HELP, and you can start now by knowing what the issues are, by knowing how your elected officials are voting on these issues; and by casting your VOTE on election day.


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