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(12/18/02)Christmas is almost here. Looks like we might have a real winter from the snow we've gotten so far. I will try to get up some new snowmobile and truck pics.
09/15/02 I have downloaded and in the process of testing UnrealTournament 2003. So far looks good, I still think that I'll be playin regular UT for awhile. Here are some screenshots:ut2k3Screenshots

(7/25/02)Well I have aquired the Snoviper Domain and I will be possibly moving to a non ad site. Will be looking to add new features and create a rich web enviroment.Possibly adding extending out aquiring some other domains and going for some web business "SnoViper Systems".
06/06/02 Hello All, Summer is here and I will hopefully have some new pics to put up. I am waiting for the release of Unreal Tournament 2003. Hope fully will have some extra time to update the website, seems hard to find the time.
(12/21/01)Hello All! Well we're heading into the Winter months now. Hopefully I will be able to get some sleddin pics up and also some four wheeling in the snow pictures up. Arctic cat has realeased a new racing sled, read more here: SnoPro

Also here is some information on Snowmobile Safety courses in Central New York: SledSafety

5/1/01 I have written a poem for my Wife, My best Friend and Soulmate. This is dedicated to her, the girl that holds the key to my heart