Oh dear - no Java!!!!

Our Mothers

I believe in my heart
that our Mothers are
the most special of all
and yet under appreciated

So here are my thanks
to all of you out there
This is a special tribute
to all of you Mothers
that gave us life
and helped to build our dreams

You helped and gave of yourself so graciously
I don't know how you did it
I have tried but don't even come close
Such energy I do not have

Your love so deep
seeming to love us no matter what
We tried your patience
beyond belief

You read us the stories
and told us of the rainbows
That we could reach our goals
You always believed in us

In my heart you'll always be
for this life
and through out eternity
My hat is off to all of you

Happy Mothers Day

Copyright © 1999 By Keith Stepp

More Of My Pages
Himalayn Tigers Soaring Spirits Morning Warmup
AwakeningRemembering Steve Keith's Poems
Single Women's Prayer Single Women's Prayer Quiet Moments
Loon(Floater) Memories Free Spirits
Sweet Valentine Moonlight Dance My Love
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site created by keithguy78@aol.com

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