Infectious Waste Theatre

A Couple of years ago I volunteered to write for a public access TV show in Olympia, WA called "Infectious Waste Theatre". Just as I was doing that - the new cast of the show was deciding it wanted to do improv. (Now improv on live tv seems silly to me - but this was on tape so...) Anyway, I had already written the first few sketches, when I was informed that my services weren't needed (Which is probably just as well since no one else wanted to write for them, and I probably couldn't come up with an hour's worth of material every week). So anyway - these are the rough drafts to what could've been my TV show. It may still be on the air up there. Email me and let me know if you've seen it or know what's happened to it.

The Red Ball Says "HI!"

Click Here To Read The First Sketch

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