Welcome to our Guestbook!

04/01/00 01:27:55
Name: Lee aka ^PlayaZ^
My URL: Visit Me

You Girls Have The Best Page Just Missing Icq #'s And E-mail Address Anyway i was just think dawn would read this and icq me but oh well anyway i am outta here Peace to ya girls from the great one

03/26/00 00:15:51
Name: andy
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

it is very nice you gurls are all very funny, and the web page is very nice!

03/07/00 16:14:35
Name: Mike Colbourne
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool site, keep up the good work

02/18/00 04:42:28
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I was very impressed by all of the hard work you all put in to this awesome web page!!! I twas great, thanks Georgie! :)~

01/31/00 19:46:55
Name: Chyld
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Ah, I finally managed to sign the book. Lost the addy last time so... Anyhow, I dig the page. I wanna be one of the Posse! What's I gots to do??? Can I make my way around the tequila somehow? I can hold my liquor, just have a personal dislike of the worm drink. Will Jack or anything else suffice? Oh pooh, and I would be such a good member. :( Gots to go for now. C-ya Gail! I'm out!

01/05/00 16:46:10
Name: xpurple
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Interesting test, I don't nessasarly agree with it, but that's ok. Just bumped into the page by accident, not that you probably care. Though, other than that the site looks quite good.

12/02/99 01:57:18
Name: danny
My Email: Email Me

Hey I just met Zoogirl, seems prety harmless to me! lol...I hope! It is a cool page, but I still have that question I asked you Zoogirl......maybe one day you can tell me!!!! Got to go

11/30/99 06:24:57
Name: nick
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


10/19/99 22:12:58
Name: Roadrunners
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


Here we are once again....the mall rats!! tee hee hee hee!! :) WE thought we would stop by and check out your page once again...seems that nothing has changed...boring much!!!! Hopefully next time we check it out again....from he mall of course things will be a bit different!! :o) Well I guess we should get going....HUGO BOSS is awaiting!!*LOL*
This is Daffy and Tigger signing off.....catch ya later peeps!! *kisses*

08/09/99 23:53:26
Name: Jabberwocky Bitch
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

kooie webpage you got here, peeps!

08/09/99 23:52:45
Name: Jabberwocky Bitch
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

kooie webpage you got here, peeps!

08/09/99 23:46:45
Name: Trevor P.
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

what an odd bunch of squirrel nut crunch.

07/25/99 02:27:03
Name: Jason "Ghostface" Lafitte ---aka-- rocking
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hmmm, is it just me or are you guys psycho?? Just kidding, anyway I am talking to dawn right now on ICQ and I just met her,sooooooo Greetings from the West Coast, even though I am in St johns now. -jason

07/21/99 03:26:27
Name: the net.shade
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Very nice. :-)

07/14/99 04:02:43
Name: MaRaNdA KrAuSe #20
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

cool page..

07/12/99 05:58:16
Name: Girls of ICQ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nizza. Ringraziamenti per lasciarlo firmare il vostro guestbook

05/03/99 19:35:01
Name: b.
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Good homepage weird, yes = good funny, yes = good didn't understand all of it = good again well take care & have a nice life to any of you i don't speak to again bye, b.

04/23/99 02:21:52
Name: Jerry
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hey....hi from houston texas...enjoyed reading your pages...what a crazy gal!!! found you link thru sheila...and btw....tequila is the BEST drink!!!! hahahahahha adios!!!

04/09/99 18:10:32
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

This is a pretty good page

03/29/99 23:04:22
Name: Marc
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hello, nice page. Greetings from Germany. Marc

Hegis Homepage

03/26/99 05:18:28
Name: Tim
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi there, Just stopping by to say hi before I'm off to bed have a good time nice site too

03/26/99 04:13:46
Name: shannon
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey Glen popped in to take a browse around. Talk to you soon.

03/25/99 23:49:10
Name: Andy "Woodard"
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Well I have a weird last name and I love tequilas and other stuff. If u want to know more message me on ICQ at 32343927. Laterz

03/13/99 07:14:48
Name: killa69
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

liked the page, although i wish it would ahve been a bible thumping page so i could harass you people. muwahahahaha. evil am i not? i kill you all then eat myself as breakfist i will... yoda gone bad. i outtie....

03/04/99 17:36:43
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

To all of our friends and foes ... SIGN OUR BLOODY GUESTBOOK!! .... Thank you! .... FReAk OUt!!

02/24/99 06:30:20
Name: Karla_bi
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Loved your page..loved it..I am from St. John's and though not even thinking I could become a member, at this moment I do have both Tequila and Screech in the house... Karla

02/22/99 03:46:06
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Well there's no news really for you all out there who are wondering how the ol' Zooboy is doing! I brought myself a car yesterday so I suppose thats pretty good. .. Keep checking the guestbook each week and I'll update you all on how I am! :) . . . Freak Out!!! - ZOo BoY

02/21/99 23:53:52
Name: Viresse
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I very much enjoyed your home page I give it three thumbs up out of a possible two

02/18/99 22:59:29
Name: Glenn Cochrane
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Finally the Zoo Myster is back!!! Howdy Posse, I've missed ya all so much, Especially you Georgie Pie. It's been a long time since I've been able to check out what's new in this page and I think you've done a fantistic job!!! To all that are interested in Emailing me, my adress is as above!!! Love to the POsse!! Georgie Pie, Gailious, & Dawn!!

02/06/99 18:11:59
Name: steve
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


02/01/99 23:04:30
Name: steve
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

i love it

01/21/99 11:37:34
My URL: Visit Me


01/18/99 22:52:43
My URL: Visit Me

hi my email is italo_n@hotmail.com

01/14/99 20:08:11
Name: Brynn
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey there... interesting :)

01/11/99 21:17:57
Name: kurt(cobain)
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hey zoogirl whats up remember me???

01/11/99 04:10:05
Name: t bywater
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

okay now do I get an answer???? ;)

01/11/99 03:55:12
Name: huy duc le
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Woo Hoo!

01/08/99 18:59:36
Name: Eros
My URL: Visit Me

Georgie Pie, I told you I would sign your book once I figure out who was the "zoogirl" in coolchat. Take it easy now! :)

01/02/99 20:35:24
Name: yasser
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hey ur page is coool hey ur looking cool pie

12/20/98 05:05:46
Name: Mark
My URL: Visit Me


12/16/98 16:47:40
Name: jordan
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

well... what can i say^-^ nice meeting u:)) do mail me ^-^..... bye

12/16/98 08:01:08
Name: rainbow
My URL: Visit Me


12/11/98 00:47:39
Name: Chris Seddon
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Of all the 'personal' website's I've seen, this is one of, if not the best. You've got a cute face George, nice meeting you. ICQ#23150430

11/25/98 16:52:19
Name: andrea
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

i was there! ciao dawnn!

11/05/98 18:54:52
Name: Road Runners
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

This is certainly surprise....We thought that this would suck...and it does!!! It sucks MOMMAS COCK!! :o) We love it, funky shit girls (Zooboy included when I say this) hehehehehe We wish we knew you guys better, you ll seem so Coo', just like us!! I love the mall......I love the mall....Hey get away from me you freak.....Damn you all to hell!!! Oops sorry...slip of the tongue from my friend...did I mention WE'RE AT THE MALL!!!!! hehehehehehehehe Later you tree hugging hippy crap!!!

The Adorable Road Runners,
Daffy & Tigger (And Duck in spirit) hehehehehehe

11/01/98 03:57:25
Name: Trevor Paul
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

kick ass page!! i thought my page was cool, but you guys showed me up big time! BBDC rules!!!

10/30/98 03:45:34
Name: Brian (NightFox)
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page.. got the kiddie look down great! ;-) hehe

10/28/98 21:44:58
Name: JaaBOBO
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

awesome web site really like it talk to u soon in powwow

10/26/98 04:22:44
Name: Garrick
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Funky page you got here. Keep up the good work! Cheers!
Please come and visit my PALACE of STUFF!!
Don't forget to *** SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!! ***

10/24/98 05:44:53
Name: raymond hince
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


10/14/98 23:15:31
Name: thekmaster
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Kick ass!!!!! I have to say the posse are the coolest people on this planet!!!! I know them personally...and what can I say...The all just too funky for me....hee hee!

10/11/98 20:57:49
Name: piyush
My URL: Visit Me

this page has been done very beautifully. the colour combinations are excellent, with the exception of Zoo girl's page, but having spoken to one of the owners, she's decided to make some changes..LOL...altogether a very nice page....

10/10/98 09:01:26
Name: Jeff Thomas
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Great page! Love the colours but a couple of the pages are a bit hard to read...love to see some new pics in there of Gail !!! must go...catch you later

10/10/98 00:11:21
Name: Chris Losh
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hey, freak! Just metcha but I think you'll do for my evil scheme to take over all English speaking countries by mind boggling them with eye piercing text and background found only on the internet links that are used by braindead youths to further their c use into nothingness thereby further my goal to take over the World!! HAHahahaha... umm....if you understood any of that I was j/k....otherwise....

10/06/98 11:13:43
Name: ronald thompson
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

words are a bit difficult to read on some pages. wild stuff! referred by dawnn

10/04/98 21:38:49
Name: Kim and Peter
My URL: Visit Me

Great job on your home page. Dawn I'm going to kill you with that picture you could of found a more recent one than that. Anyways, your page looks really good.

10/02/98 09:48:53
Name: Celestin T.
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Itīs cool your Home Page. I share the opinions of Kayla and Tracy. I returned to Berlin 4 weecks ago!!!

09/27/98 10:03:09
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

09/27/98 01:24:33
Name: G&G Inc.
My URL: Visit Me

Hi there all.
We have to say that this page is one burnt fucking awesome adventure.

Gail, love the doors too :)

Georgie, We'll marry u *L*

Dawn, We're fucked up as much as u 8 D

And we saved the best for last, Glenn, saw the movie Pink Flamingo's. And we relate to ya babe.

We hope that in our lifetime we get the chance to meet u wonderful ppl and to join ur group. It's our Goal in life.

Love u all :)
Take care!

09/21/98 08:07:41
Name: Jason Ramos
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

forgot to type the word "see" between the words "to" and "you" damn... lol Sorry about that. See you around!

09/21/98 08:03:10
Name: Jason Ramos
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hello guys! Job well done! I was waiting for you to send me your URL and so I've seen it... its fantastic! I do hope to you personally one of these days. =) Goodluck in everything you do and may you have more blessings to come! I wish you well... ;)

09/20/98 23:04:47
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Wow, is that ever freaky! I just HAPPENED upon this entertaining website (without having the URL crammed by my throat by one of BBDC) and I felt ^ COMPELLED to sign the guest book (again, without being chronically nagged by any of the members). In all seriousness, the new member recruitment has got me thinking, as I debate whether to apply the rich cologne in the small black bottle, or the spicy co ogne in the bottle with the lid strapped to the bottle by a green canvas strap. I think I need another shot of tequila to clear my head. Ok, now for the tequila...actually, I've got more of a craving for a steak pita, I'll be right b ck...

09/15/98 13:41:40
Name: Dan "sKoRr" DeLong
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

The BBDC Posse rulz heheh ;) i jus luvs yer burnt out sense of humor hehehehe ;)....if u ever want to go fer a drinkin binge or some other form of debauchery, i think Aurora has my number hehe ;) if you think i'm hehehing too much, well, i just can't help it....i'm cracked! hehe ;) May the BBDC Live Long and Prosper!

09/15/98 02:55:14
Name: Cory
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Good lookin' page. Not like I'm FORCED to write anything nice here (Wink to Gail). Good job guys. Hope to meet you all one day.

09/14/98 00:49:47
Name: Sherry
My URL: Visit Me

I think that Chris and myself... your best roommates and future one, has manged to complete all the above rules and if you don't want me and Chris, we still know you love us!! Anyways we will start our own group without you..and Tracy can join. By the way the page was perfect and Chris and myself loves you all very much. Excellent Work...You Go Girl Friends!!! :o)

09/11/98 15:27:40
Name: Samrat Ashok
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

It is great and very imaginative. Nice to see both of you. Cheers and keep the good work and wish you the best

09/10/98 22:32:03
Name: Alil
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I am a cool kickboxer age: 20 sex: male i love speaking with girls icq: 17929868 im from Russia

09/10/98 21:20:24
Name: Marney Robinson
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

You told me to sign it, so I'm signing it. :)

09/10/98 14:17:31
Name: Jordan
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey matey!! All I can say is that YOUR webpage or shall I put it 'The Posse Kick Ass' webpage is one coolest, hilarious, craziest webpage anyone has ever written about themselves....lol.Keep up the good work, yeah...CHEERS!

09/10/98 10:02:57
Name: Don Stewart
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey Georgie! Love the page. Keep up the good work. You should really tell the truth about yourself though! You're a really awesome person! *s* Later.

09/10/98 03:21:23
Name: lalito bailon"manolito"
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

this page made me really,very very happy...."the friendship is something never will end......"

09/10/98 02:19:00
Name: Brett (Khalid)
My URL: Visit Me

pretty cool! well done guys

09/09/98 22:21:09
Name: Jewel
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

It is a great page ye guys!!!..geo now you have to finish mine. *LOL* Sheila aka Jewel

09/08/98 05:13:05
Name: SuperCHATCH
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

It was a roller coaster ride chalk-full of highs and lows.... what can I say? I laughed, I cried... I peed my pants (twice!)... ewwww... All in all a job well done! Kudos to you people!!! - my day is now complete (and it's only 1 am in the morn! hahaha ... is this enough Gail(ious)? ... when I grow up (?) I hope to be all this and more.... ummm.... I've got a real hankering for a chicken pita right now... hmmmm.... well, til next time, keep it real, stay loose and have a shot of JD on me gang... <<< L ter >>> - SC -

09/08/98 05:06:52
Name: Mark Anthony Greco
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

great page lloks nice keep up the good work.. and remember nothing comes easy in this or any of our lives...

09/07/98 23:56:21
Name: Caged_rage aka STEWIE
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I LOVE THE PAGE!!! and about damn time too. anyway you did a great job Geo and love the pages Dawn and Gail and Glenn...(i know you don't know me but i'm close to the other Posse members) so like i said good job and keep it up

09/07/98 22:14:09
Name: Tracy (Georgie's Sis)
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

HI Georgie!!!!
I guess I should become an automatic member since I am your sister and I am just as mentally disturbed as all of you are and I am just soooo cute and I drink like a fish and I am Loopy and I have fetishes and just because I am....ME!!! So...how about it.. Do I make the group or what??? My luck and you probably have some kind of hidden disclaimer which says that family members are forbidden to be a part of your klick...right????!!
I guess you must have gotten your creativity from me, as well as, some of the quirkiness you possess...Nice Job!!!

08/02/98 00:47:49
Name: Dawnn
My URL: Visit Me


07/23/98 00:59:48
Name: Kayla Brown
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I think that this page is cool!! But it would have been so much better if you mentioned me!! *LOL* J/K :o)

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