I Will Always Love You


When tomorrow brings the morning sun.
Our souls and hearts will become as one.
Tomorrow we will share our hopes and dreams
together as one.
For every tomorrow a new life has begun.
Tomorrow our future is bright
as the dawn of tomorrow brings new light.
Tomorrow our love is stronger
than all of our yesterdays.
As we hold each other tight
our love can not compare to the love
we will share tomorrow.
Tomorrow holds all the promises we share.
Promises only tomorrows can bring.
Tomorrow brings the ever changing seasons.
Infinite beauty for all different reasons.
Winter....snow to blanket the earth
in a layer of white.
Snowflakes falling like twinkling starlight.
Spring.... to bring new life.
The survival plan
for our precious wildlife.
Summer.... to love and play.
To appreciate the earth in every way.
Fall...To cover the earth in awesome splendor.
Beauty to behold.
The beauty of the "Northern Lights"
A breath taking fascinating sight.
Todays rains are followed by tomorrow's rainbows.
A place of hope in every tomorrow.
As the Lord takes us by the hand.
Every child, woman, and man.
As he delivers us from our yesterdays
he fills us with love and
promises for our tomorrows.
As tomorrow will bring the morning sun.
Our hearts and souls become as one.
Please take my hand and walk with me.
Share in all of my tomorrows.
bonsquad 9-7-1999
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