I'm a 25 year old female from Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA. It's not a small city, but not too crowded either, but starting to look as if it were (but nothing like NYC) Virginia Beach is basically a military area, where you have the naval base and the military families that are stationed here from almost all over the US. It's definetly a tourist attraction city (the traffic is so horrible near the beaches from Spring till Fall, even the locals can hardly enjoy a spot on there, so most end up going to the beaches that most tourist wouldn't even know of) I don't frequent the beach too often, even though I don't live that far from it.

I've graduated fromTidewater Community College May 2000 with a AAS Degree in Hospitality Management (Dietetic Technician) and a certificate asa Dietary Manager in 1998 (not sure what it's real use for it.) I've been waiting a good while for something in my field. I get called in for an interview for some of the positions I applied for, but the position goes to someone else. On January, 2002, I started working for Portsmouth's Women,Infant and Children Program (WIC) as a Nutritionist Assistant. It was one position I did have in mind that I wanted when I first started studying Dietetics. In the past, I have volunteered for the program, but in the city I currently live in. So far it's been pretty good there, and I guess I have to admit it was worth the wait.


I am a vegetarian, but I'm not one because of anything that has to do with animal rights. I do like a wide range of foods such as Japanese, Chinese, Mediterranean, Indian, Mexican, and so on…..anything, just as long as it’s vegetarian and tastes good.


My real name, well those who do know me know it, and that's where I'm keeping it to, haha! The nickname "Sorceress," is a nickname that I chose when I first started chatting on IRC (which I don't hardly do much of now a days.) I thought the nickname sounded interesting, fun and exciting, so I stuck with using it. The nickname has nothing to do with religious beliefs, associations, games, and so on. It's just a nickname for crying out loud! Just like people choosing nicks that don't really relate to who they are, just for the sake of having fun. Also, if you are looking for information on ‘Sorceress’ you will not find it here!

I am the middle child in my family. I have a sister who is a year older than me who is a college graduate with two degrees, Sociology and Spanish (can you believe that, both accomplished in four years!) and currently works for some local engineering company. My brother is 18, currently attending college, and is a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I do have the typical relationship with my siblings, the fights and the closeness as well. I am a lot closer to them than my parents.

I did have two rabbits named Buffy and Galatea (click on their name to read about them) Buffy passed away back in February 2001. Galatea is still around. She's up there in age for a rabbit, but living life to the fullest.

I don't keep a set regimen or routine when it comes to exercising or activities. Back when I was in High School, and my first two years of college, I did a lot of running and was competitive that time. I barely do much running now. I do blade whenever I get the chance to. I occasionally do aerobics and have tried yoga at home, along with a tape. I have yet to visit the Indoor Rock Gym and have been eager to try it.  I do like to go on walks with friends whenever our schedules allow, which it hasn’t since I started my new job.

Shopping, gotta love shopping. Yes, I'm a shoppaholic, haha I usually go for the sales though. Cooking is another, but cleaning up after cooking is my problem. Hanging out with friends whenever any of us has the time. Most of them I catch online, even those who live like down the street from me, I hear more online. Chatting with my friends (both online and people I know personally) and of course working on my home page (whenever I'm not too lazy) and creating graphics for web pages (whenever I make the time now a days.) I have also been working on another site, for this local Nutrition Council I'm a part of (have been for the past two years)

I enjoy watching soap operas and my favorite ones to watch are "All My Children", "One Life to Live", and "General Hospital" I also enjoy watching "The Real World," and "Road Rules." I'm also a big wrestling fan (I know it's fake, but it's entertaining,) so I try not to miss WWF Raw and Smackdown.

As for movies, the most recent one I've watched in the theater is Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.......Awesome movie! Next awesome one would have to be The Matrix. I am into the action movies, but I also like some drama and of course comedy, always need a good laugh. I do enjoy watching old movies as well. Shirley Temple movies are near the top of the list.

As for what books I read, I don't really do much of it, except for the books that I have read from my classes, HAHA! Of course I'll read the news. I'll occasionally read a health and nutrition book or magazine, and of course fashion magazines. A lot of my reading has been articles or stories that are online :-).

Music, well I do enjoy listening to classical (Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Handel)alternative/modern rock, whatever you want to call it(Hole, No Doubt, Bjork, Squirel Nut Zippers, Garbage, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones) almost anything that sounds good. I do enjoy listening to collection of music that was performed on stage (Andrew Lloyd Weber, Rogers and Hamerstein.)






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*Last updated January 13. 2002



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