My Favorite Books
and Personal Development Tapes
In Association with

I am interested in many different subjects. My favorite subjects are success, investments and computers. The following is a list of my favorite books and personal development tapes.

. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill- a classic in the field of success training

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie- same as above

How to Master the Art of Selling by Tom Hopkins- a sales person's bible


Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins- Program yourself for total success

Insight Guide to Miami- a wonderful travel guide to the city of Miami

The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley and William Danko- an insightful guide into the minds of millionaires

The Five Rituals of Wealth by Tod Barnhart- a good beginning investment guide


Taebo by Billy Blanks-Tone up and get a date tonight!

"I Love Tae-Bo!!!! I have been working out with Tae-Bo since the first of January!!! Before that I did the treadmill (4 years) and then step aerobics (2 years). I have seen more results in a month and a half with Tae-bo than in the 6 years before. It is amazing!!!! But don't take my word for it. see for yourself. I also got my husband hooked and he has already lost 10 pounds!!! Thank you Billy!!!" customer

Personal Power 2 by Anthony Robbins- This is an excellent tape series about success.

my cat