Read What I Wrote!
That is, assuming you want to.

Last changed/updated: February 17, 1999
since 2/24/98

Go to the Utah Statesman webpage. The Statesman is Utah State University's campus newspaper, for which I write. You can follow the Statesman Staff link and find my name in the drop box. Then you can read the stories I have written.

[The stuff below is all outdated; I am now a freshman in college at Utah State University; I just don't have time to rewrite it all now.]
Hey, thanks for coming to my writing page. I like to write. Technically, I love to write! In fact, I think it would be great to make a living as a writer. In school, I write in many classes! Here is a list of the writing-related classes I am taking this year (as a senior in high school):

I was recently accepted to the Deseret News' teen editorial board. The News is a local Salt Lake paper, and about 15 students from the Wasatch Front were chosen to write on this board. The editorial editor and his staff are planning to start a section in the editorial page, possibly this week, called "Young Voices," and selected editorials by members of the board will be printed in the weekly section. (It could be made bi- or tri-weekly if the readers like it.) I will post any editorials I write for that board here, including the one on Marilyn Manson below, which is the editorial I submitted for acceptance onto the board.

I will post here some of what I have written. I choose what to let you read according to two things: Interest and Success. By this I mean that I only put things that I feel the average web reader would find some sort of interest in and that I have had some form of success with. By success, I mean that someone told me they liked it. =)

Please come back regularly, as I hope to add new writings as they become available.

As a side note, I need to clarify something. Some people have read my essay "What Is A Utahn?" and have been somewhat puzzled, maybe even hurt or offended. Let me explain myself. For those of you currently in school and those of you who were at one time in school, specifically a high school English class, you probably remember that an essay is supposed to contain strong, convincing, assertive, assured language. In other words, the writer can't flip flop, saying, "Well, I sort of disagree with this aspect of Utahndom" or "Well, I kind of like the way people in Utah do this." It has to be definite. So, since I do have my quarrels with Utahns, and since those felt like the best and most effective to express, I chose that side. And I had to be somewhat harsh on my fellow Utahns. It doesn't mean I hate Utahns- I am one! It doesn't mean I hate Mormons- I am certainly one of them, too. I just object to the idea that Utahns have that says all people must be alike in all ways, and we will not tolerate anyone who is different. There, that is the end of my tirade. Now, please don't feel bad.

Writings To Choose From:

White Trash - The Play This is the story ("White Trash") below, in play format. The plot came out slightly differently.
America Is Letting Marilyn Manson Win I wrote this editorial essay and submitted it to the Deseret News editorial editor, and with it, I was chosen to be a member of the teen editorial board there.
A story I wrote about an experience at a homeless shelter.

An essay I wrote for my English class entitled "What Is A Utahn?"

"White Trash" I "wrote" this story one night in bed in my head. For some reason, I just felt like writing it, and so I did. The next day, I woke up and decided to go ahead and really write it. Now, I am not black, am not a woman, have never been in an interracial relationship. But I hate racism and see nothing wrong with interracial relationships, so I wrote this. You can read it as a story strictly about this black woman, or you can incorporate any aspect of yourself that you want to. When I wrote this, I was thinking of a lot of people I know who were never in interracial relationships but still had similar experiences: an email friend who was brutally beaten because of who he loved, a friend who was ostracized by her friends because she was dating someone who was the same "kind of person" she was, etc. So keep that in mind. I don't really like this story all that much, but I felt like two pieces weren't enough to have on a so-called "Writing page."

Hey, you know, I am always looking for new ideas about subjects I should write about. It would be cool if you had any ideas you think I would be good at.

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