Bob & Bobette
Willy & wanda
 Suske and Wiske is the most popular
comic in Belgium and the Netherlands. Outside these countries Suske and Wiske
are known as Bob & Bobette, Finn & Fiffi or even different
The main characters of this comic are

     Wiske Stubborn frank girl. She loves her friends and family and she will risk her life to save her doll Schanulleke.

Suske Antigoon is the friend of Wiske. They met in the book "The Amoras Isle". Wiske, aunt Sidonia and Suske live together.

      Aunt Sidonia
     The aunt of Wiske. Together with Wiske she was the first character to appear in this series.
     Sidonia is probably the most slim woman of the westeren hemisphere. She is capable of hiding
     behind a broom stick! Another extreme about her is her shoe size [PATS] Aouch! Guess I
     shouldn't have said that :) Sidonia is secretly in love with Lambik.

Professor Barabas
     Professor Barabas is an absent-minded inventor. His most remarkable invention is a machine
     for time-traveling. This machine is used in many adventures. Professor Barabas' first appeared
     in the book "The Amoras Isle" (thanks to Leon Boerrigter for this info).

     Lambik is the chubby character with six hairs. He often does stupid things. However there are
     books (most notably in the blue sequence) in which Lambik plays an heroic role. Lambik was
     introduced in the book "De sprietatoom".

     Jerom is most strongest man of the westeren hemisphere. With Jerom around it is difficult to
     get the other characters into trouble because he is unbeatable. Therefore Jerom is often sent
     for a holiday or put to sleep to keep some excitement in the comic. Jerom first appeared in the
     book "The Mad Musketeers".

Suske and Wiske are very popular in the Netherlands and Belgium. Therefore it
might not be surprising that around 200 stories appeared in over 50 years.
Everyday an episode of a story appears in the papers. A full story then appears in
a book which has a red cover, and the first print of it consists of four hundred of
thousands pieces. Since Suske and Wiske are not to well-known outside of the
lower countries, certainly not in comparison with say Tintin, a comprehensive
introduction might be necessary, and some are available.
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    Suske En Wiske
    Peter Van Hooydonck
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