YHome of the Boo-Bus!Y

Updated on June 17, 2004:

Okay... It's been a really long time since I've even had time to look at this. I'm wicked busy with school and basically getting on with my life, so I appologize for anyone who may come back and get all mad that nothing has changed. :) Fortunately for you all, I have a whole lot of time to kill right now, so I'm seeing what I can do!

Joseph and I have been together almost 2 years now... wow!! I can't believe it! :) I love him so incredibly much.. Don't know what I'd do without him! It's funny though... everyone (and I DO mean everyone has been asking him/us when we're going to get married. I think he's starting to get a little annoyed by the fact, so I only hope that he doesn't take it out on me. I'm in no hurry to rush him, though if I had my way, we'd definitley be married by now. Heheh.

Oh yeah, I'm 21 finally! Turned in on April 26th! It's such a relief to be able to go out to places and order a drink, though it's funny 'cause most places don't ID me. *laughs* If I had known it was THAT easy for me to get booze, I would've probably not been so timid the last 21 years. ;)

Feel free to look around, offer comments, etc. I'm open to whatever, though I can't guarantee you'll see a quick response/change from me. =)

Things to check out:

* more about me
* my joseph david
* Joe's Website!
* curious about what kinda people are part of my life??
* Pictures
* quotes Working on this...
* Links that you should check out
* mIRC
* my on-line diary
   (just keep in mind that if you decide to view this, you may find things that you don't like. Please, I don't want to hear about it. I'm warning you right now that it's a release point for me, not written for you to joy-read)

How to get ahold of me:
E-mail me if you want to talk, or catch me on AIM.
mIRC: SparkleGirl
**Sign The Book!**