Dedication of my page:

I want to first and foremost dedicate this page to all of the brave men who fought for what they believed. It took courage that I don't believe many people today have. Everyone from the most important generals to the unknown volunteers has a story that is inspirational and amazing. I hope that we as Americans never lose sight of what the War meant to American Society.

Thanks to my friends and fellow re-enactors Kaleen and Jaime, who gave me my first experience with reenacting by inviting me to speak to students about the Civil War.

Jaime, Kaleen, and Me (L to R) -

(Yep, I'm in the wrong uniform, but it was all I could get at the time! My loyalties still lie in the South.)

I also want to thank the great people of the 1998 Civil War Institute. Although I have long had a great interest in the Civil War, the Institute helped me further develop my ideas and meet some of the greatest Civil War historians of our time. It was an honor to be one of 19 scholarship recipients, and it is an experience I will never forget. To all my fellow scholarship students, lecturers, and the whole staff, thanks for one of the best times of my life.

Finally, thank you to the 13th Virginia, Co I. You guys have provided an endless source of good times a comeraderie that cannot be found anywhere else. Reenacting is a great hobby, but moreover a great way to meet great people. I have learned so much from everyone in such a short time, and I am looking forward to spending many years with all of you.