OK kids this is what you've all been waiting for.. Raven got his own webring. This ring is dedicated to the weirdos that don't fit in anywhere, to my friends, to anyone who thinks they don't belong, to anyone who's views on life are "Life Suxx, then you die", but not necessarily that, the simple jist is that anyone who is themselves and not accepted for it, this is where you are accepted ....This ring isn't necessarily just for homepages, it's for anyone ....businesses, band pages, pages dedicated to someone you love or hate, hell, even porn sites too (as long it's not kiddie or beastial porn, that shit is just disgusting) I really don't care, just as long as it's cool, not gettin' many hits, and all alone on the web ....thanx

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OK, now that you've seen the easy part, the next part is gettin' the HTMLfragment on your site, but this is what it'll look like once it's done.

This Flock Ring site is owned by
--your name here--.

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And that's about it...so good luck to ya, see ya on the ring...if you're cool enough.

OK, I really don't want to join