

WAR 101










War 10 Permission Slip And Information
Developed By FKWarlock
ICQ# 41288700

The following is the official (if not standard issue) Forever Knight War 10 Permission Slip:

**I, (Insert YOUR Name *AND* 1 or more email addresses you can be contacted at), hereby express my intention to participate in the Forever Knight War #10 on Fkfic-l, and hereby grant permission to other participants to portray me as a character in their writing.**

This permission slip *MUST* be turned into your faction leader prior to the start of the war to allow for your participation. Slips turned in after the start will be at the WarMasters discression as to their acceptance or rejection.

IF you are playing independantly, you will still need a slip, but can turn it in directly to the WarMaster.

As something to consider, you may want to send a short biography of a physical description, and any other information you might want authors in the war to know about you and that you realize will be read by many people. This will allow said authors to script you into their submissions faster and more accurately.

Suggestions: Height, Hair Color, Eye Color, Clothing styles your character may prefer, basically anything someone might see when they were either describing you, or looking at you.

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