Ed Jerse : how Scully got a tattoo

Ed Jerse was portrayed by Rodney Rowland, Gillian Anderson's ex-boyfriend. For once, Scully dated an awsome man ! A lot of philes say that Scully was acting way out of character in this episode, but I don't agree at all.
For the first since she's been working with Mulder, she opens herself to a person she trusts, even if she'd met Ed the same morning, there was some kind of chemestry between them, and it was obvious that they were both attracted by eachother.
You can read the "Never Again" summary at the Official website.

Ed and his children

The episode begins at Ed's divorce. Depressed, he decides to get a tattoo on his arm, "to mark the moment". The next morning, after killing his neighbour, he goes back to the tattoo parlor to have his tattoo removed. And that's were he meets Dana, investigating on a case Mulder gave her.
He asks her on a date for the same night. She refuses, pretending she has to leave for D.C, but after a short conversation with a stupid Mulder (sorry, I actually had to mention it !), she calls Ed back and tells him that she'd finally like to have dinner with him.

They finally end up in a bar, and talk about themselves, their feelings... Scully tells Ed that sometimes, she has to change the way she usually acts. Then she asks him to show her his tattoo. He answers : "Why don't you get your own ?".
He needn't ask twice : Scully and him immediatly go to Ed's tattoo parlor, where she gets the "Millennium Tattoo".

Scully's Tattoo

When she drives Ed back to his appartment, he suggests she'd stay there because of a snow storm. Scully accepts, and then...we don't know what happened. The morning after, Scully wakes up in Mulder's (oops, typo !) Ed's bed, wearing his shirt. I think they had sex that night, but I'm probably the only one !

Ed's Tattoo

Anyways, whether they did the "wild thing" or not doesn't change the end of the story : because of the ergot used to make the red of his tattoo, Ed has hallucinations, and a voice in his head (which he thinks is his tattoo's) orders him to kill Scully. Instead, he burns his arm.
End of the story. Scully goes back to the bureau, and tries to talk with Mulder, but at usually, he doesn't listen.

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