
Due to long scripts, the crew often has to cut out some scenes. One of those scenes was in the Pilot, where Scully actually had a boyfriend named Ethan.

The Pilot novelisation (written by Les Martin) had a few lines about Ethan, but it doesn't meen that those things were in the script. Anyways, here are the lines :

"[...] Right now she was thinking about seeing her boyfriend, Ethan Minette, last night. Ethan had not minded when she broke their weekend date.
She knew he wouldn't. All she had to tell him was that she had a job to do. He'd do the same thing to her. In fact, he had many times. Work came first for both of them--and especially for Ethan. He said he had heard of Mulder though.
A year ago "Spooky" Mulder had convinced an Iowa congressman to fund UFO research. By now it was a Washington, D.C., joke. Ethan knew all about that kind of thing. His kob was bending congressmen's ears, and sometimes their arms, to vote the way his bosses wanted. The kob paid well, and Ethan worked at it night and day. He went out with Scully when he happened to be free--if she could fit him into her own crowded schedule. They were spare time sweethearts. The most that Scully could say was that it was better than nothing.It was easy to stop thinking of Ethan [...]"

I've always been asking to myself how Ethan could look like. Well, "Inside the X-Files" answered my question !

Scully and Ethan

Unfortunatly, we don't know anything about him. However, Gillian Anderson said something interesting about the "Ethan scenes" of the Pilot :

"At the time, I just assumed that it was going to be another relationship...that is was gonna be one of...many relationships outside of her relationship with Mulder. This was just given to me, and I think that to everybody at this time, it was part of the storyline"

Seems like things finally changed, uh ?

Previous man

Thanks Amy for the pic !
And Thanks Jack for the book quote !
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