Welcome! As I'm sure you can tell, I'm finally redesigning the site! When I first made the site last summer, (we're a year old, yay!) I had virtually no graphics experience and a lack of an FTP program. The site had some amusing content, but no images or design motifs to bring it out. So, armed with PSP 5.01 and an FTP program, I've finally decided to fix that. (yes, *gasp*, Tiki's doing work *s*) The site is probably going to be a little bit mismatched for awhile because I'm basically edditting it page by page and making sure everything fits the color scheme/design. I hope everyone likes it better than the other one. I always love feedback and constructive criticism, so if anyone would be willing to send some, I'd be quite happy. Just e-mail Remils@aol.com (Tiki) with your comments.

   I also plan to add some new content (information on paganism, etc) and update outdated content. (surveys, episode reviews, pretty much everything, etc) This might be awhile, however, since I will be moving across the country in early August, and it will be fairly hectic. I will try to get a page up detailing updates, the future of this site, etc, soon.    I hope you enjoy the page and consider becoming a member yourself! Oh, and PLEASE sign my Spellbook!!!!

New! Win the Zeppo Award!

New! Worshippers of Oz's Hair

New! Gene and Roger Episode Reviews

Missed the Cast on MTV? Check Out Videos That Don't Suck!

New! Fan Art

About Us | Join the Club | Members Only | New! FAQs Section | The Techno Pagan Buffy Jukebox! | Greeting Cards | Mayor Wilkins Keepers | Banners | Curse Keepers | Awards Poll | Rants | FanFic | Amy's Spellbook | Survey | The Forum | Things I Learned From Buffy |Take the Character Quiz | Stakespeak Guide | Voice Overs (Coming When I Have Time) | Site Credits | The Awards Room | Sign My Spellbook |

-Listen the Buffy Bands Radio. The station includes music from 25 artists featured/alluded to on the show. (It's fairly small right now, but it should improve when Season 4 starts and we get more music)

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The characters in Buffy the Vampire Slayer are propery of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. Please don't sue!

Oh yeah, the border background on this page is an edited version of the one from the Graphic Station . The bar is from there too.