The Site

In 1998, The Dalmatian Plantation started as a personal webpage for my dog Marni. At the time, I was just learning and exploring HTML and GeoCities and had no idea that I would develop so much knowledge of webpage-making that I would come up with such a large site. Anyway, I thought it would be nice if people knew a little bit about dalmatians so I added Dalmatian Information. Next, I figured I had to add Your New Dalmatian, being that I was a beginning dalmatian owner myself. Creating these two pages forced me to read books and visit other sites about dalmatians, which has greatly increased my knowledge.

Next, It thought it would be fun to add a Trivia game. I had seen them at other sites and thought it was a great way to get people to actually visit and read your entire site. Soon after, I made an award available for people who get 100%. At this time, I was just learning how to create forms, so I figured if the game was on the webpage and all the guest had to do was click the dots and click send, more people would respond rather than retyping all the questions and answers in an e-mail.

So here we are about 2 and a half years later and the Dalmatian Plantation is still growing. I have added a Spay and Neuter site to teach others the advantages of spaying, and the disadvantages of not spaying. I did not make this site to eliminate the ever-growing pet population problem, but if atleast one person visits my site and decides not to breed their animal because of my information, it is certainly worth the efforts.

Finally, I added Goodies and Downloads. What site would be the slightest bit exciting without creative activities? And, how many sites can you go to that will send you back out of cyber-space with your very own dalmatian souvenir—free fonts!!!

Contact Info

If you have any questions about my dalmatians or the site, or you have any comments or suggestions, please e-mail me! I’d love to hear from you! You can also sign my guestbook (at the homepage) and leave your comments there.

Home | Articles & News | Awards | Dal Gallery | Dalmatian Information | Get Our Award | Goodies & Downloads Links & Webrings | Site Info | Spay and Neuter | The Producers | Training | Trivia | Your New Dalmatian
