Here we celibrate the knowledge that good friends of ours actually grew up and moved on in their humble lives to endeavors greater than our those pursued by us slobbering beach dwellers. Of course we laugh at them behind their backs, but what can you do?

This is a boat!
This is Scott Rader and his lovely wife Kathleen celebrating the purchase of the biggest hole in water money can buy. When you gonna invite us all out, Scott???
WOW! A picture from way back in 1997. Ohh the good old days when we still knew what a vinyl record was and Bananarama was cool. *sigh*
There have been two major rollerblading accidents in the history of Visceral Winds. This is the result of our attempts to re-generate a past member out of little pieces of skin we found along Highway 1. As you can see, the DNA that was used happened to encorporate a Beer into the clone. Hmmmm...
Lisa, both Guest and Alum. I just have nothing horrible and tasteless to say about her! It's a damn shame! How can you make fun of a woman who can turn a turtle into bread like that!?
Trent! A guest of Doug's who just learned that Jobi was comming up for the weekend!
This is Caroline's Brother Chris, who is Craig's brother-in law, and if Stacey is Craig's sister, for real, and she's my friend, then Chris is my friend's brother's wife's brother! Doesn't really matter, he's got a cool truck!
So this is Chris again, and my friend's brother's brother-in-law's sister!
This is a personal favorite of V-Winds. Janey! From the Margharita house!


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