

You are Now Being Mesmerized by the Great Christobol!
You cannot resist me, so don't try!
You are now my slave!

"Ohh DAMNIT Craig! Was that you? Dude, light a Match!"

Joby and long-lost brother Pugsly, separated at the hospital at birth and re-met here at Dewey Beach. It's better than Jerry Springer!

Caroline and her Pole!

George and Chris

Cindy, Helen, and Lissa vegging on a weekend morning.

The incredible Biscuit-Eating, bare-assed, night runner...Andy, getting a scoobie snack from George.

Big hug....Craig, Caroline, and Helen

Cindy and Helen

Suddenly, an irrisistable urge overcame her and she started chanting...
"Bobbit! Bobbit! Bobbit!"

Yeah! I'm Stacey, see? You got a problem with that, see... you can go screw yourself, see?





        /        \         DO RE MI DRINK, by Homer J. Simpson.
       |          |
       |          |      *ahem* La la la la.... *ahem* LAAAAAAA!!
       |     __  __)
       |    /  \/  \       DO...... the stuff... that buys me beer...
      /\/\ (o   )o  )      RAY..... the guy that sells me beer...
      /c    \__/ --.       ME...... the guy... who drinks the beer,
     (              )      FAR..... a long way to get beer...
      \_   _-------'       SO...... I'll have another beer...
       |  /         \      LA...... I'll have another beer...
       | | '\_______)      TEA..... no thanks, I'm drinking beer...
       |  \_____)          That will bring us back to...
       |_____ |            (Looks into an empty glass)
      /         \          D'OH!

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