Douglas you are not gone just far away. . . my son, my son, my precious son oh how I love you so and every moment of the day I ask God "Why did my son choose to go?".

I cried out to GOD, "oh FATHER please give me a sign that my boy is with you in paradise forever." A rainbow came that day with God's voice pounding in my brain "THIS IS YOUR PROMISE THAT YOUR SON IS WITH ME IN PARADISE FOREVER. I bowed my head and thanked my Lord for giving me that child and the promise that he is free from the pain of this earth and safe in God's arms forever. Amen .

As a small child Douglas walked closely with the Lord, this is the first bible verse that he memorized and it was taught to him by his gramps. Douglas continued to grow in the Lord and love him dearly. Douglas believed in and trusted God completely.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have ever lasting life. John 3:16


On July 25, 1981 God gave me this beautiful child. He was a Christian child and a blessing to this world. Sometimes things didn't go the way he planned but his heart was always full of love for God and his fellow man. On January 1, 2000 Douglas left this earth behind to live with his Heavenly Father.

Oh dear - no Java!!!!

Douglas you are loved and sadly missed by anyone who knew you.

Below I have included some pictures of the rainbow that was sent by God on the last Saturday of February . . . and for Southern Illinois it is very unusual for rainbows in the winter, this is why I know that it was God's promise that my son is safely in Heaven with our Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

19 balloons let out to Heaven in honor of Douglas's 19th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOUGLAS On September 26,2000 a balloon returned from over 100 miles away with the bible scripture John 3:16 Just another one of God's little miracles. Praise the Lord.

DOUG'S Family

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