On this homepage you can find pictures and travel information about traveling in Namibia. We have been there on holiday in 1997. Click on a picture when you want to see it bigger.

General information

Namibia is an enormous large and empty country. Large because of it's area (824.269km2 = more then 20 times The Netherlands) and empty because of it's inhabitants (1.500.000 people). The country is well known for it's wild reserves, deserts and it's diamonds.

Two periods are important in its relatively short history

The biggest tourist attractions are Etosha National Park, Namib Naukluft Park, Fish River Canyon, the Sossusvlei and the Waterberg Plateau. We visited all those places and took a lot of pictures. You can see them on the following pages.

For the future traveler we gave some tips to make your trip more comfortable.

On the next pages you can read information about the country. On every page there are a few pictures where you can click on. If you have any questions or comments about this homepage, about the pictures or about the country, don't hesitate and e-mail me.

For more information about African and Namibia, see links.

My motherlanguage is Dutch and not English. Therefore I want to make my excuse for my bad English.

Waterberg Plateau

Skeleton Coast

Etosha National Park (1)

Walvis Bay

Etosha National Park (2)

Namib Desert

Etosha National Park (3)


Petrified Forest

Fish River Canyon


Kokerboom Forest

Organ Pipes

About the author

Copyright T.Theune