Mad Dash for Shropshire
Shropshire, England
"4 days of Peace, Love, and Ale."

Shropshire Area of England

Interactive Shropshire Local Map

During the cold, wet January days of El Niño 1998, I was busy planning my trip to Spain for far-off June. Because most direct flights from Los Angeles to Madrid were outrageously priced (around $1,000, even with a 6-month advance!), I opted to once again fly through London Heathrow - not exactly the most cheery of options, but it was either that, or fly through Paris Charles de Gaulle around the time of the '98 World Cup. Not a chance.

On the return flight from Madrid, Spain, I landed in London at around 8:00 a.m. I'm not sure what prompted it, but I had this crazy idea that I could get away with stretching my 26 day vacation a few extra days. (It's only a career, right?) And while I had traveled to the U.K. many times since 1985, the Shropshire area had always been someplace I "travelled through" rather than "spent time in." After checking with United Airlines while at the terminal that morning, I found that I could delay my return for 4 days. So, on a rainy June morning in London Heathrow, at the drop of a hat, I phoned work to tell them some sort of white-lie, took the Underground over to Euston Station, put the Foo Fighters in my Walkman, and cranked some rock on the "9:45" up to Shrewsbury.

Now, everyone who's been to, or is from, England will give you handfulls of advice on where to go and what to see.... especially if you only have couple of days on the lark. Everyone's got an opinion. In hindsight, I'm glad I spent my 4 days in Shropshire this time around.... and I will definitely return for a longer stay in the future.


The Cotswolds, 1999

A great source of on-line information concerning the Shropshire area may be found in The Shropshire Visitors Guide.

NOTE: Depending on your modem speed, some pages may take a minute or so to load due to the number of pictures and file sizes of each. Be patient and it'll pay off.

Check out the Travel Library for more travel-related stories.

Cagey's Trip to Spain and Portugal - 1998
Click here to check out
Cagey's Travels in Spain/Portugal, 1998

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©Copyright 1998, Ken Gowey
Last updated July 10, 1998

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