I'm still in the process of adding to this page, but here you'll find some of my favorite links. Click on Add-A-Link to submit some of your own!


Travel-related links
Internet-related links
Fun Stuff



Clicking on the Site Name will open up a new browser window.

Travel-Related Links
Site Name Category Description
Expedia Travel Reservations The plane fares here tend to be expensive, but it's a good place to book hotel rooms and get travel advice.
Map Blast Maps Need driving directions to your date's house and don't want to be late? Go to this site, type in the origin and destination, and voila! GPS? We don't need no stinkin' GPS!
Seoul Focus Korea Thinking about going to Seoul? Then this site has lots of useful info on how to be hip (and safe) in Korea's capital.
Thai Start Thailand A Web "portal" to various Thai sites
Bali Online Bali Everything you ever wanted to know about Bali
Discount Travel Discount Tickets A compendium of links to major (and not so major) airlines, as well as discount travel agents.


Internet-Related Links
Site Name Category Description
Scour.Net MP3's Looking for MP3's? This site has an extensive search feature that allows you to search and then download MP3's off FTP servers. You just have to download and install the Scour Media Agent, and you'll be well on your way to breaking copyright laws left and right!
Dogpile Multi-search engine A meta-search engine that allows you to utilize multiple search engines (like Yahoo and Alta Vista) at the same time
ZD Net Computers A massive site where you can find product reviews, software downloads, and tons of good geeky computer advice
Windows 95 Shareware Shareware A place to download programs that are "shareware": you try it for a certain number of days, and if you like it, you just keep using it and ignoring those annoying reminders to buy the damn thing
DJ Quad's HTML Site HTML Reference One of the best HTML tutorial sites around. If you make Web pages, then check this site out
Free Graphics Web Graphics Links to some truly beautiful sites where you can download graphics for your Web page
Web Jewels Web Graphics Created by a woman named Moyra, this site has some of the most beautiful graphics I've ever seen. In fact, I liked them so much, I used some of them!
Dynamic Drive DHTML Reference A place to download some cool DHTML code to wow people who visit your site


Fun Stuff
Site Name Category Description
Message Mates E-Cards For those special moments when nothing else but sending a digital strip-o-gram will do, this site will fulfill your needs.

Internet Movie Database

Movie Reviews A great site for finding out about the latest flicks.
MovieFone Movie Tickets Want to impress your date? Buy your tickets online and you won't have to wait on line.
AstrologyNet Astrology & Horoscope Met a Taurus but don't know if you two match? Let this site decide for you!
Web Museum Artwork A nice way to look at gorgeous art when going to the Louvre isn't an option.
Desktop Themes Heaven Desktop Themes Like to decorate your desktop? Want cool cursors? It's all right here.



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