J.C. Chasez Info


Full Name: Joshua Scott Chasez
Nickname: "J.C."
Birthday: August 8, 1976 *comment: 2 days before mine! (hah, and some # of years LOL) *hint hint* :) all presents are welcome!
Astrological Sign: Leo *comment: juss like me!
Place Of Birth: Washington, D.C.
Current Residence: Orlando, Florida
Hair Color: Brown
Eyes: beautiful Blue
Family: Mom Karen; dad Roy, sister Heather, 20; brother Tyler, 17 Ooh! His bro is 17!? Bring him on! *thinking* gee I wonder if he looks like him........ :)
Fave Artists: Brian McKnight, Seal, Sting
Fave Colors: blue
Fave Food: Chinese
Car: Jeep
Fave Movies: All the Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies
Collects: Hard Rock Cafe menus *comment: gee, is he stealing them?!
Fave childhood toy, according to Mom: "Lego, and a Raggedy Andy that his grandmother made for him."
Fave *NSYNC Song: "It changes day to day."

Tidbits you might not have known:
* He likes to sleep in his spare time, but doesn't get to very often... - Hey, we have that in common lol

Contributed by Jen; Livincrunk@aol.com

JC (He completes the word nsynC.)-->
His full name is Joshua Scott Chasez. Well, they call him all sorts of names such as, "JC", Mr. Casual, and Big Daddy. His B-day is on August 8, 1976 which makes him a Leo <>. He was born in Washington,DC and was raised in Bowie, Maryland. He know lives in Orlando, Florida. His parents names are Karen (mom) and Roy (dad). He has a brother named Tyler (TJ) and a sister named Heather.
The sweet , sensitive , sultry singer whose voice has the ability to melt away anyone's problems. This guy is the definition of class. He's adorably serious and a barrel of laughs.
J.C. Chasez= Sweet and Sexy Serenader!

Found an error, broken link, something wrong? Or just want to add something? Let me know and drop me a line!
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Credit goes to: *The Official *NSYNC book (and site at www.nsync.com), and various magazines

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