Old Dreambook Entries

This page is devoted to the Dreambook entries that can no longer fit on the roster because the Dreambook is limited to 50 messages at a time. I keep them on this page for nostalgia mostly. When I read the earliest comments on the Dreambook, I can remember what my page looked like back then. Times sure have changed!

In keeping with the "image-free" update of my page, I have removed any image links in the old entries. Many of those links were broken anyway. No disrespect is meant or given to any author or webpage owner.

[ New Title Page | Main Page | Info | New | Older | Single | X-over | Looking | Indexes and Lists | Links | Related | Post-It | Non-Ranma | Lost | Dreambook | My fanfiction ]

Name: The Poet
Comments: I've seen the stars, I've seen the planets, I've traveled all the cosmos, But never in my ventures have I seen, A heaven such as this.
Saturday May 29th 1999 04:36:05

Name: Ranma Saotome
E-mail address: yoikohibiki@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/dojo/7739
Comments: Hey there! Great site! I really think it's one of the most professional looking fanfic sites out there! Good job!
Saturday March 20th 1999 02:00:57
Name: David Houghton
E-mail address: houghtod@dcs.kcl.ac.uk
Homepage URL: http://www.escaslix.com/freepage/houghtod/fanfic.html
Comments: My former link http://www.spods.dcs.kcl.ac.uk/~houghtod/fanfic.html is broken. My new one is in the homepage. Keep up the good work.
Thursday February 25th 1999 02:57:58
Name: KIN
E-mail address: yara@cedep.net
Comments: Hi, first of all i love your site. And for that reason i'm writing to you. Thier is is Fanfic, not the best, but not the worst either. The problem is when i was half way through it i got disconnected and i forgot to bookmark it. Since that day i can find it again and i really dislike not finishing what i started. If you could help me find it again i'd be grateful. The story is that Genma lied to Renma and told him that his mother throw them out because he ,Renma, wasn't manly. and because of that Renma over trains and thats were i got cutoff. if you or any of your friends know this fic please send me an e-mail. Thanks alot.
Thursday January 14th 1999 11:55:03
Name: Akane
E-mail address: Lady_Scorpio81@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/portal/9058/my_favourites.html
Comments: Hey that's a nice site!
Thursday January 14th 1999 02:13:08
Name: whitestuff™
E-mail address: howard_timothy@hotmail.com
Comments: Hey there, Thanks for be'in out there I'm trying to find out how I can get a copy of Ranma 1/2 manga 18(english version) magazine/ book for my niece. We hunted all the shops in New York but had no luck... I was wondering if you new where I could look on the web for sellers, postings or anything you could suggest. I'ld love a shot at making her day/year any help or info you could offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time. whitestuff™
Friday December 18th 1998 07:24:58
Name: Venus
E-mail address: Lady_Venus_@yahoo.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/5498
Comments: Great page! I love your pics and graphics. Come visit my page; it's mainly based on Sailor Moon but there's Ranma1/2 stuff too! I really like your page. Keep up the good work! ~Lady Venus~
Wednesday October 28th 1998 05:04:27
Name: HalfHoot
E-mail address: zgibson@loki.berry.edu
Comments: Excellent update, Kendai! I LOVE the new graphics... and I especially like the lost pages. Don't believe there is anything quite like that anywhere else on the web. Most people just delete 'em. Thanks for the tons 'o links!
Tuesday July 7th 1998 03:44:00

Name: Stormshadow
E-mail address: GreggSharp@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://members.aol.com/MetroAnime/main.html
hi, good page. still looking for continuation of Cursed, and for a decent "What If Ranma & father had stopped at the Tendos on the way to Juusenkyo instead of afterwards?" fic....
Sun Apr 26 13:49

Name: arioel
E-mail address: emerald_4ever@hotmail.com
Your site is really neat I've had it on my bookmarks 4 about a year and I still havn't gotten bored w/ it yet like I am w/ some of the others......I tried the drinking game and recommend it so long as u use something other than beer , and use like grapes. cause' people mostly don't like it when u r drunk...... Bye keep up the good sites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sun Apr 26 13:40
Name: Jesus "Jesse" Zamora
E-mail address: jjz_ranma@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Pagoda/8614/fanfics.htm
Hello, Kendai. I was wondering if you could include me page in your fanfics list. I'm very proud of just about all my works (though my site's not near complete) and I need the publicity badly. Also, could you make a really cool banner for me (I'll give you my Geocities password to load it for me since I can't access FTP). Anyway, take a look at my Fics and tell me what you think! Email me please!
Wed Apr 8 10:36
Name: suteko
E-mail address: suteko@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Temple/2478
hey my friend. As always a great page.
Mon Apr 6 15:07
Name: Frank Sanchez
E-mail address: fsanch@wpo.it.luc.edu
Homepage URL: http://ranmainfo.simplenet.com
Just thought I'd sign both Guestbooks, just to let you know this is really a great site. Keep up the good work and please check out my Ranma site sometime..
Wed Mar 18 20:03
Name: Ratboy
E-mail address: kat_@oocities.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/1640
Hey there Kenny! Well, lookee, lookee, I was 33,333. Bet you never though you'd have that many hits after just a year eh? Lookin up my friend, lookin up. HOWEVER, your personal life is no excuse not to e-mail your old bud. Get with the program.
Tue Mar 10 21:00
Name: X
E-mail address: chaoswraith@oocities.com
I've visited this site so often I figured I owed it to you to sign this. Thanks, this page has managed to help me find MANY lost sequals I've been looking for.
Sun Feb 22 15:21
Name: Merejez
E-mail address: crf_riggsja@curf.edu
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Parthenon/7331
Nice, very nice. Just be sure to check those links, make sure they work.
Thu Feb 19 17:21
Name: Hans
E-mail address: hcstampf@willamette.edu
Great page. One of the best Ranma pages, i have EVER seen. Thanks!
Mon Feb 16 15:23
Name: Beth Sills
E-mail address: HarleJoker
I am in the process of writing my first fanfic. I was just curious about how I would get it on a web page once I finish it. Maybe you, or anyone else with experience could help me with it. Thanks a bunch, beth :)
Sun Feb 8 17:35
Name: Lucas
E-mail address: none
Homepage URL: not yet
Cool site!
Fri Jan 23 06:09
Name: knoerr raphael
E-mail address: killerwolves@usa.net
What an impressive website.Well , in fact I am looking for posters of this wonderful anime and particularly of ranma chan.So if ANYBODY COULD HELP ME ........PLEASE, I am so desperate....
Thu Jan 15 08:44
Name: Widdle Azusa-chan
E-mail address: ryogasama@hotmail.com
Thank you for making this kawii page!!!! It's my favorite in fact I named it Angelina!!!!!! Now I can find all the fics with my Widdle Charlotte!
Mon Jan 5 01:17
Name: Silvaren
E-mail address: silvaren62@hotmail.com
Love your page. Makes looking for Ranma fanfic so much easier. Usually I can't tell the fanfic pages apart because they have neutral names. Thanks.
Wed Dec 31 05:00
Name: Orange Crayon
E-mail address: CrayonBox1@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://members.aol.com/CrayonBox1/page
I wish people would come to my page and sign my guestbook.
Sat Dec 20 07:55
Name: sean grant(a.k.a vader69)
E-mail address: wgrant1@juno.com
It's a beautiful world and a great time to be alive. Just think, 100 years ago, those poor souls had never experienced RANMA1/2. Merry Christmas Happy New Year take care Vader69
Fri Dec 19 08:22
Name: Mercury
E-mail address: gadan@mindspring.com
Homepage URL: http://------------=P
hi.i love to watch ranma!!
Thu Dec 4 19:10
Name: anthony
E-mail address: apardi1@uic.edu.com
your web site is great and your not living in a fantasy world. i must have acessed your page about a thousand time keep it up ps: i found a ranma fanfiction where ranma act defenseless in his girl formand akane has to look out for him. i don't remember the name or the place, but if u come across it please email me
Tue Nov 25 12:20
Name: cat
E-mail address: graceyeh@.com
This is the best one of Ranma page I have ever seen befor!!! cat
Sun Nov 23 14:49
Name: David Houghton
E-mail address: houghtod@dcs.kcl.ac.uk
Homepage URL: http://www.spods.dcs.kcl.ac.uk/~houghtod/
Brilliant, well organised and well thought out site. I find it quite useful when hunting down fics.
Thu Nov 13 08:32
Name: LoLLiPoPz
E-mail address: LoLLiPoPz@Juno.com
wow, your homepage ish like really cool. it ish like has everything almost. but the bottom line ish that it ish really cool!!! yep yep, your homepage ish really cute. . .
Sat Nov 8 08:42
Name: Khat Khan Dhu
E-mail address: khat_9@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://anime.jyu.fi/~anipike/
Hi, me again. I still don't have a home page of my own. :( However, this is the sight to goto for all your anime needs If it exists this page will help you find it. I was surprized to find that about 1/3 of the fan fiction page has links to Ranma = fanfiction (including yours Kendai). Have fun! =^oo^= meow?
Wed Nov 5 13:53
Name: Josie Ziegler
E-mail address: jaziegle@eichstatt.cs.csbsju.edu
your page is beyond cool! I hope I have the chance to read all the fics on here... I do have one tip though: Maybe you could order the pages in groups of type, like lemon, crossover, etc, so that if you're looking for a particular site, you don't have to search the whole page for it. Keep up the good work!!
Sun Nov 2 14:04
Name: Cybrjokr
E-mail address: Cybrjokr@aol.com
Fri Oct 24 12:35
Name: Yusaku Godai
E-mail address: boxone@datasync.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/temple/2144
Sorry, the banner didn't come out. Lets try that again shall we?
Tue Oct 21 17:42
Name: Yusaku Godai
E-mail address: boxone@datasync.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/temple/2144
Hey Kendai, great page! I'll have to try out some of those drinking games with the other Maison tenants! See ya in Tokyo!!!!!
Tue Oct 21 17:39
Name: Jenna
E-mail address: I Raiya I@aol.com
Where are the other Ranma fans? Where? Where?
Fri Oct 17 14:29
Name: Mikuro
E-mail address: boxone@datasync.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/towers/8011
This is a really good page. Those drinking games look fun, HAHAA! I really like the background, it's very soothing to look at. Well, take care! M.
Mon Oct 13 15:13
Name: Henry Hanks
E-mail address: hhanks@loki.berry.edu
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/TelevisionCity/2440
The only webmaster I know with more hits than my Star Wars page. I guess it's that Anime stuff the kids seem to love nowadays. When I was a kid, all we had was "Speed Racer", none of this fancy-shmancy "Ghost in the Shell" stuff! Ah, well...
Wed Oct 8 13:35
Name: Khat Khan Dhu Enterprizes
E-mail address: khat_9@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://www.engr.usask.ca/~cja124
Actualy this home page belongs to Christopher Angel. I thought I'd just let you know about this page as he seems to be a decent writer, and I do a lot of net surfing looking for Ranma= fics to read. :) so enjoy! When I find other Ranma= fic pages I'll drop the URL here for you and others to find. Ranma: Khat: Meow! Ranma: AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! NEKO! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!
Tue Sep 30 17:06
Name: Jen Sabado
E-mail address: thylacoleo@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Temple/6215/Fanfic.html
Thanks for the link to my page! It's so nice to know more people then just my wierd friends come onto my page, considering the headache it is to put these things together. . . but then you already know about THAT part. (grins) Jens Sabado aka The Lion Down Under "Jen, you do NOT have enough to do." - Lion
Tue Sep 16 20:02
Name: La femme inconnu
E-mail address: thegaminggroup.com
Just wanted to sign in and say "Hi" See you on Sat. Sabina Angelique
Tue Sep 16 18:24
Name: Nosferatu
E-mail address: None
Excellent site! This is by far the best Ranma 1/2 fanfic site that I have come across! It's even freindly to fish! }<)))*> -Glub!
Sun Sep 14 10:49
Name: Achariyth
E-mail address: Achariyth@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://www.aol.com
One of the best sites for Ranma fics around. Good job! Now, I've stumbled upon a site that has a lot of Tenchi fics (including two by yours truly) for your non-Ranma page. There's at least two dozen, mostly zipped, for anyone to read. The URL is http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Temple/8447/fanfic.html This is FYI, and if you'd like to add this to your page.
Fri Sep 12 14:25
Name: Justicar
E-mail address: nabiki@mail.map.com
Homepage URL: http://pages.map.com/~ebaker
I really like this site. It is a most excellent library of Ranma / Non-Ranma fanfiction. I have a fanfic that I would like included to your list. I'll send you the link via email. I will certainly have to explore further since my time is limited at the moment. I can't really give you any constructive criticism for your site because I can't think of any at the moment. I just want you to know that your work is appreciated. Great job!!
Fri Sep 12 07:01
Name: Henry Hanks
E-mail address: hhanks@loki.berry.edu
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/TelevisionCity/2440
Nice website my friend.
Tue Sep 9 13:24
Name: Bladeforce
E-mail address: bladeforce@oocities.com
Homepage URL: http://terrapin.umd.edu/~bforce/ranma.html
Great page!
Mon Sep 8 19:48
Name: Pisces6
E-mail address: goldhawk@pacbell.net
Homepage URL: Huh, none... Yet...
Hey, nice page! I decided to sign the guestbook, er, dream book before I looked it over so you know I was here! ;) Otherwise, I think I might forget. Keep up the good work! Bye bye, now! =)
Mon Aug 11 16:40
Name: Steven Scougall
E-mail address: bosco@logicworld.com.au
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Flats/7196

My fanfic series Say Goodbye hasn't said goodbye... it merely moved. To my new and improved (yeah right) and newly situated homepage. No, don't ask me why my homepage moved, I'm not sure either...

- Steven Scougall

Sun Aug 3 05:40
Name: Verjigorm
E-mail address: Verjigorm@AOl.com
The world is not a dark and lonely place, it is a hall of torture were many wait to strike.
Wed Jul 30 11:39
Name: Sean Evan
E-mail address: Lestat_Armand2@oocities.com
Kawii! This page rocks!!
Thu Jul 24 13:26
Name: Ukyou Kounji
E-mail address: UkyouKounj@aol.com
Hey, love the page, especially the new and old index. Waiting for a update, though. Keep up th good work! ^_^
Wed Jul 23 13:04
Name: Joe
E-mail address: Lottfamily@worldnet.att.net
Homepage URL: http://www.I.wish.I.had.a.home.page.com
I heard this place was the best, but I see it hardly does this site justice!(Another Quote from the all knowing mouth or in this case fingers of Mexifry! .
Mon Jul 21 08:43
Name: The Eternal Lost Lurker
E-mail address: squn29a@prodigy.com
Homepage URL: http://pages.prodigy.com/EtLostLurker
Heh heh...sorry it took you so much effort to find my new URL! I'm still getting e-mail from people who lost my site when I made the change. Your page looks as great as ever! Good to see it updated! -Lurker
Sun Jul 20 00:03
Name: CBear
E-mail address: cleng@mnl.sequel.net
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Temple/4978
I found your page a very good source of Ranma links -- kept me from being bored last summer and led me to beginning my own writing! Anyways, I hope you take the time to visit my page, too... it's a Ranma fic page with a few links and my own stories. I just posted it today! Hope to see you in my guestbook, too!
Wed Jul 16 02:59
Name: Azatlan
E-mail address: azatlan@oocities.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Temple/3785
Cool page! No kidding about your collection o' links! :) BTW, thanks for linking my page to yours.
Wed Jul 16 00:40
Name: Karen
E-mail address: paltooks@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu
Hey, love the page. Hopefully we'll see the updated version soon. :)
Mon Jul 14 15:59
Name: High Lord
E-mail address: kat_@oocities.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/1640
I have transversed the vastness of the World Wide Web, to grace your web site with my awesome presence. I find upon reflection that thine site is most worthy, and I heartily render unto it the praise which it is due.
Thu Jul 10 12:47
Name: mikilim
E-mail address: mikilim
hey , i'v seen your address in chatting room,so i write a letter .i hear that you have lived in korea .... just curiose about you. please send to me your identity(nationality,age,male or female,and so on)
Tue Jun 3 01:12
Name: Joanna
E-mail address: hktwn@tpts1.seed.net.tw
Your homepage is sooooooooCOOL!!!!!!!!!!
Sun Jun 1 01:53
Name: Stormshadow
E-mail address: bmip@pananet.com
Homepage URL: http://www.pananet.com/grupo_bmip/index.html
Very good page. Worth the time to check it out! Great graphics and whole lot of other good stuff and of course anime. Just kidding, it's all good anime and of course other stuff.
Thu May 29 23:32

Name: neonsplatt
E-mail address: neonsplat
i really loved it
Sat May 24 06:05
Name: Ganym ;)
E-mail address: Caroline@Inorbit.com
Homepage URL: http://www.geocites.com/Tokyo/Flats/2620
Hey...I know My Bad..I didn't sign this when I said I would! *bows* Forgive me!!! *snickers* But neways! Keep up the good work!
Thu May 22 17:58
Name: Kevin Vanderhoef
E-mail address: none at this time/space locale.
Homepage URL: http://none
Just thought you would like to know that SKJAM!'s fanfic page is at www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Flats/5990. "meow"
Tue May 20 16:14
Name: Noelle
E-mail address: Bobmotu@hotmail.com
nice page.
Thu May 15 00:22
Name: Pandomine
E-mail address: mcclam@.attweb.net
Homepage URL: http://chaos/undead.html
You don't want to know, and even if you did ...tough
Mon Apr 28 02:19
Name: Jusenkyo Guide
E-mail address: dax7476@saturnnet.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/6549
JG was here........ again!
Sun Apr 27 12:11
Name: "Nelson"
E-mail address: nlson@pacbell.net
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Towers/8315/
Incredible! your page has been a great inspiration to me, enough to start a page of my own. You should be proud to have such a splendid site, and inspire people like me. My gongrats to you!
Thu Apr 24 16:36
Name: David Pynn
E-mail address: dpynn@turner.eastcoll.nf.ca
Thank you Thank you, Thank you. This site ha helped me to find many Ranma fanfiction site that I had lost when my computer went down. It also introduced me to more.^_^
Tue Apr 15 07:22
Name: Bart
E-mail address: bgibson@i-cafe.net
HELP! It's too much! Well, Good job, great page, etc...There's just so much to choose from! Thank you!
Mon Apr 14 12:26
Name: Henry Hanks
E-mail address: hhanks@loki.berry.edu
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/TelevisionCity/2440
Very good site, my friend. Excelsior!
Thu Apr 10 05:41
Name: Jeremiah "Hitman" Telado
E-mail address: songoku@pacbell.net
This page is cool from all the Ranma fanfictions and a lot of links to different sites with more fanfiction.
Sun Apr 6 16:30
Name: Brian VanGuilder
E-mail address: lkhanson@piper.hamline.edu
Homepage URL: http://ww.angelfire.com/mn/YODA/ebrianhome.html
Sun Apr 6 13:19
Name: Thomas Cantrell
E-mail address: jotaro@uci.edu
Yo, I'm really a Ranma fanatic and I just have to say that your webpage of links is the best I've found so far on the web. I've not got the time to read many now but if this site remains in the same place I'll be sure to visit again. Oh did I mention what a great page it is?
Thu Apr 3 11:29
Name: Joseph Sutedja
E-mail address: sutedja@pdq.net
Homepage URL: None Yet
Great page... It must have taken an insane amount of time to do this... The hunger of many Ranma 1/2 'fic fans will be sated by a visit to this site. Hmmm... Did you ever finish those major assignments? ^_* Anyways, many thanks for bringing us this fine site! Keep up the excellent work!
Wed Apr 2 14:25
Name: Jim Mackey(Terry Bogard)
E-mail address: terry_@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Towers/2437
Good job,Man! I usually have a hard time finding the local talent, fanfic-wise. A damn fine looking site to boot! Well, Just wanted to let you know I appreciate it. Just so ya know, I've written a few fanfics meself, and have a few at my site. If ya want, you can include it. That would rule. Thanx!
Wed Apr 2 12:16
Name: Kami
E-mail address: mho@cadvision.com
You are a Ranma fanatic aren't you *shakes head* Dat's do sad.. kidding, no they're cool. Anywayz, nice hp!!
Tue Apr 1 08:21
Name: Megat Muzaffar Shah
E-mail address: Comando_Guts@hotmail.com
Your work is exellent. Keep it up.
Sun Mar 30 17:44
Name: S. Chang
E-mail address: Stephers@ix.netcom.com
great links page I use it to go to other fanfic web pages. Unfortunately you help my craving for more Ranma fanfics, oh well! ^_^ Perhaps a fanfic addict's surrort site should be created.
Sun Mar 30 15:45
Name: Guardian
E-mail address: guardian@vision.net.au
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/timessquare/4470
Love your page

But: a couple of pics are broken :(

I'll be around, keep working!


Thu Mar 27 17:31
Name: Olives O.
E-mail address: ongaigui@mnl.sequel.net
Keep up the good work and I'm glad you can keep on adding, because your page is fun as is and I know it'll be even better when you put more in!
Wed Mar 26 01:07
Name: Mike Shyjka
E-mail address: Genma@stratos.net
Mon Mar 24 21:18
Name: Michael 'Maikoru' Watson
E-mail address: maikoru@hotmail.com
Great site! I found some stuff I'd never seen before, doumo arigatou.
Sat Mar 22 09:18
Name: Yong Yee Sia
E-mail address: 9602641d@student.tp.ac.sg
I want more fantastic pictures!Enlarge the pictures for us and we love it! All the best.
Fri Mar 21 21:52
Name: R. Morrison "The Eternal Lost Lurker"
E-mail address: squn29a@prodigy.com
Homepage URL: http://pages.prodigy.com/RMorrison
Finally found time to sign this...I wanted to say that you have a great collection of links here, I've located a lot of hard-to-find stuff from your page. I like the fact you have simplified the format and have not gone to frames. Also, it's nice to see a link to my page floating around unexpectedly. Keep up the great work! --Lurker
Fri Mar 21 07:33
Name: Snowsong
E-mail address: ssolomon@loki.berry.edu
Homepage URL: http:// - I wish! -
Hi, this is Stephanie (your soon-to-be-again Empress of the UNknown Universe) just wanted to say I FINALLY got around to seeing your page. I only wish I could be as cool as you and Sara, cause I'm a loser w/out a web page. Maybe someday... someday... (and please don't comment about me being a loser... Sara says, "because we all know it's not true. Please disregard this parenthetical comment) Oh well, I finished watching Lodoss, and it was really nifty neat-o, and if I ever remember to give it back to you, I will! Hahahahahahahahaaaa! All right, enough of this nonsense, I've got to close up the lab now. Wiederlesen, Steph
Wed Mar 19 20:59
Name: Douglas Crute
E-mail address: mikado@pacific.net
Nice web Page layout.,I also would like to see more revenge fanfics..
Tue Mar 18 20:43
Name: Julia Pitre
E-mail address: julia@tamu.edu
Homepage URL: http://http.tamu.edu/~jdp8657
You've got a great page and I was ectstatic to find your links to other fanfiction pages. The only problem i find with it is your listing of your links next to the picture of ranma-chan. Even though you have bulleted each link, they are kind of hard to distinguish. A space between the start and end of each link would be helpful. Other than that your page is awesome. Its great to find a page with up-to-date links.
Fri Mar 14 22:59
Name: Ronald Chan
E-mail address: pocket_knight@kami.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Towers/7089/
Nice list of links. Perhaps listing links in alphabetical order? Or perhaps a frames version with the main index in a frame?
Tue Mar 11 00:07
Name: Anne Packrat
E-mail address: akane@erols.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/8094
It's about time someone gathered a bunch of Ranma fanfic links together. Good job!
Sun Mar 9 13:13
Name: Mckinley Morganfield
E-mail address: ez052149@peseta.ucdavis.edu
Homepage URL: http://wwwcsif.cs.ucdavis.edu/~rutsch/story.html
Neat page, and I like being questionable! However, I found the "page 1...page 6" kind of annoying, you might want to go back to the long list type thing.
Sat Mar 8 22:19
Name: Catsy
E-mail address: CatsyDarkMoon@hotmail.com
Thanks a heap Kendai! For a while I spent an enormous amount of time looking for Ranma fanfics, and then I found this site. Now all I have to do is click on a bookmark. Thanks again! Luv, Catsy
Sat Mar 8 17:46
Name: Happosai13
E-mail address: happosai13@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Towers/4897
Great page!! You have so many hits!!! I envy you!!
Wed Mar 5 15:07
Name: Jusenkyo Guide
E-mail address: dax7476@satrunnet.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/6549
Wow! Veryy kewl. This is the best colection I have seen, and you don't need GUNZIP to get at it. A suggestion, get the Neko story lines, and Bubblegum Splash, I don't know if you are aposed to cross overs, but BGS! is one of the funnist fan fics I have read. I would also like to put a link to you from my page, again great page, I will visit often. See you in Tokyo. The guide of the training grounds of cursed springs, Jusenkyo Guide
Tue Mar 4 19:50
Name: Jesus "Jesse" Zamora
E-mail address: None (YET)
Homepage URL: None (YET)
This is perhaps the most complete Ranma Fanfiction links site I've ever come across. I found way to many fanfics to download in one library session (I have to use the Gables library down here). However, I think it would be nice to see you do some of your own material on this page.
Tue Mar 4 12:05
Name: Ray "The Texas Ryoga"
E-mail address: z_haneyrm@titan.sfasu.edu
Homepage URL: http://www.i.wish.i.had.a.site/mabye.one.day.com
You have a VERY complete collection here!!! Kudos on your work in organizing it!! Your page has just been moved to the top of my Bookmarks!! Thanx bunches Sweet water and light laughter
Mon Mar 3 18:46
Name: Yoko-chan
E-mail address: ardith@ucla.edu
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/1149/
Hi! Well, I just want to say that you have a very nice page. A lot of fanfics! ^_^ Anyway, thanks for visiting my page a bit back. I added a link to your site in my fanfic section! Good luck with you page! Ahhh. . . So much anime, so little time!
Mon Mar 3 09:46
Name: Andrew Huang
E-mail address: alhuang@hcs.harvard.edu
Homepage URL: http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~alhuang/
Hey...I'm honored that you include my page on your list of links. ^_^ Great page, I must say.
Sun Mar 2 22:58
Name: Miss Haniko
E-mail address: don't have one
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/4897/
Hey Kendai, remember me. We met in the Tokyo chat room an I'm glad we did. this is a nice homepage you made. I've got to give you snaps for it.
Fri Feb 28 01:21
Name: Christina Woog
E-mail address: princess@orchardroad.com
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/7604
I really like your fanfiction page. I am in the process of writing my own fanfiction, and I needed to do a little character study on some of the characters, so I looked for a place where someone had compiled a list of all the fanfiction. And TAAAA DAAAA!! Your page was perfect!! Great!! keep up the good work!! **Christina** aka **Azusa**
Wed Feb 26 23:57
Name: Steven Scougall
E-mail address: S.Scougall@student.anu.edu.au
Homepage URL: http://www.oocities.org/tokyo/2262/
Dreambook, eh? Interesting name... Looks pretty much like a standard guestbook.
It's a nice page - and wow, that is a LOT of fanfic sites listed... thanks for mentioning mine. It must have taken you ages to find them all.
Thu Feb 20 06:14

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